Duke Radiation Oncology encourages resident scholarly pursuits in areas of their choosing. Traditional track residents spend PGY4 assigned to scholarly activity. Radiation Oncology Research Scholar (RORS) residents will spend 21 months assigned to scholarly activity. During their dedicated scholarly activity time, residents have the freedom to pursue well defined mentored projects that they are passionate about. Residents have used the scholarly activity time to write prospective clinical trials, engage in basic science laboratory based work and perform health services research. Additionally, during their scholarly activity time, residents have pursued Masters degrees in clinical research and global health, as well as fellowships in healthcare administration. See the "Resident Scholarly Year Projects" section below for examples of recent resident projects.
The plan for activities during resident scholarly activity time are developed in the year prior as discussions between the resident, the residency program Director, the Department Chair, the Director of Clinical Research, the Vice Chair for Translational and Basis Research and the Radiation Oncology Research Team. These discussions ensure that each resident has appropriate mentorship as well as the necessary resources to maximize their time and available opportunities.
Duke Radiation Oncology residents present their scholarly work at national and international meetings, funded by the Department. Our residents routinely have oral podium presentations at the ASTRO annual meeting, and often their work has been designated "Best of ASTRO." Additionally, accepted oral presentations, with the program Director's prior approval, have been presented by our residents at the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) annual meeting, as well as the ASCO annual meeting, Society for Radiation Research meetings, Society for Neuro-Oncology meetings and others.
Resident Scholarly Year Projects
Class of 2026

Resident: Mark Chen, MD, PhD
Project: Developing programmable synthetic condensate platform to define the role of condensates in tumor response to radiation therapy
Mentor: Ashutosh Chilkoti, PhD

Resident: Christina Huang, MD, MS
Project: Prospective registry of ocular melanoma eye plaque brachytherapy patients (PROMPT)
Mentor: Diandra Ayala Peacock, MD

Resident: Dominic LaBella, MD
Project: Modeling brain tumor segmentation and the Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge 2024
Mentors: Evan Calabrese, MD, PhD (Duke Neuroradiology); Spiridon Bakas, MD (Indiana Radiology/Pathology)

Resident: Jamil Qazi, MD
Project: Investigations of systemic therapies on brain metastasis tumor and toxicity control
Mentor: Carey Anders, MD
Project: Investigation on outcomes of HCC patients treated with radiotherapy
Mentor: Christine Eyler, MD, PhD
Class of 2025

Resident: Scarlett Acklin-Wehnert, MD
Project: Determining rectal cancer response to chemoradiotherapy in mouse models and human tumors
Mentor: Christine Eyler, MD, PhD

Resident: Alex Gooding, MD, PhD
Project: Unbiased functional genomics screen identifies unique therapeutic vulnerabilities in Osimertinib-resistant NSCLCs
Mentor: Kris Wood, PhD

Resident: Abhishek Kumar, MD, MAS
Project: Association of clinical and patient factors for progression in veterans with early stage renal cell carcinoma undergoing surveillance
Mentor: Matthew Boyer, MD, PhD

Resident: Jim Leng, MD
Project: Follow up evaluation of late radiotherapy effects for pediatric cancer survivors in northern Tanzania
Mentor: Kristin Schroeder, MD, MPH
Class of 2024

Resident: Peter Hendrickson, MD, PhD
1. Mechanisms of CIC-DUX4 sarcomagenesis
2. Viability of p300/CBP inhibitors as a treatment for fusion-positive sarcomas
3. Influence of 3D chromatin architecture on oncogene activation
Mentor: David Kirsch, MD, PhD

Resident: Pooja Karukonda, MD
1. Investigation of Predictive Markers of Pathologic Response to Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy and Chemoradiation in the Treatment of Locally Advanced Esophago-Gastric Adenocarcinoma
Mentors: Manisha Palta, MD, and Kyle Lafata, PhD
2. Patient Reported Outcomes and Financial Toxicity in Head and Neck Cancer (PaRTNer): Longitudinal Assessment of Financial Toxicity and an Educational Intervention from a Pilot Study
Mentors: Yvonne Mowery, MD, PhD, and Fumiko Chino, MD

Resident: Rachel Shenker, MD
1. Clinical Outcomes of HPV Subtype in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Mentors: David Brizel, MD, and Yvonne Mowery, MD, PhD
2. Environmental Impact of Cancer Care
Mentors: Junzo Chino, MD
3. Onco-Anatomy 2.0
Mentors: Joseph Salama, MD
4. Adaptive Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Vulvar Cancer
Mentors: Junzo Chino, MD

Resident: Eugene Vaios, MD, MBA
Project: A Whole-Blood Epigenome-Wide DNA Methylation Assay to Predict Treatment Response and Detect Recurrent Disease in Patients with Glioblastoma Enrolled on the Phase II Randomized VERTU Trial
Mentors: Kyle Walsh, PhD; Zachary J. Reitman, MD, PhD; Mustafa Khasraw; MD
Class of 2023
Resident: Bradley Ackerson, MD
1. Chemo SHIELD: Generalizable machine learning to predict acute care during outpatient systemic cancer therapy
Mentors: Manisha Palta, MD, and Julian Hong, MD, MS
2. A Deep Learning Based Computer Aided Detection (CAD) System for Difficult-to-Detect Brain Metastases
Mentors: Devon Godfrey, PhD, and Scott Floyd, MD, PhD
3. Interpreting Post-SBRT Lung Imaging: A Comparison of Radiology and Radiation Oncology Impression
Mentors: Christopher Kelsey, MD
4. Early imaging characteristics associated with development of future brain metastases in patients undergoing Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Mentors: Andrew Fairchild, MD; Scott Floyd, MD, PhD; Devon Godfrey, PhD
5. Uncertainties in the dosimetric heterogeneity correction and its effects on local control in lung SBRT
Mentors: Justus Adamson, PhD
Resident: David Carpenter, MD, MHS
Project: Determinants of intracranial progression after stereotactic radiosurgery for brain metastases
Mentors: Joseph Salama, MD; Julian Hong, MD, MS; Scott Floyd, MD, PhD; Kyle Lafata, PhD; Zachary Reitman, MD, PhD
Class of 2022
Resident: Collin Kent, MD
Project: A Novel Combination of Radiation Therapy and Immunotherapy in a Mouse Model of Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Mentor: David Kirsch, MD, PhD; Yvonne Mowery, MD, PhD
Resident: Divya Natesan, MD
Projects: Quality Improvement in Radiation Oncology
1. Toxicity with Moderate Hypofractionation in Prostate Cancer
Mentor: Joseph Salama, MD
2. Toxicity with Tonsillar Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Mentors: Yvonne Mowery, MD, PhD, and David Brizel, MD
3. 30 Day Mortality for Brain Metastases Radiotherapy
Mentors: Scott Floyd, MD, PhD, and John Kirkpatrick, MD, PhD
4. System for High Intensity Evaluation During Radiotherapy, Survival and Economic Analyses
Mentors: Julian Hong, MD, MS, and Manisha Palta, MD
5. Implementation of Telehealth Care Coordinator at the Duke Cancer Institute
Mentors: Yousuf Zafar, MD
6. Telehealth Patient and Provider Satisfaction at the Duke Cancer Institute
Resident: Joshua Regal, MD, PhD
Project: Ganglioglioma single cell/nucleus and spatial transcriptomics
Mentors: Zachary Reitman, MD, PhD
Class of 2021
Resident: Jessica Lee, MD
Project: Characterization of cardiovascular injury in mice following partial-heart irradiation with clinically relevant dose and fractionation
Mentor: Chang-Lung Lee, PhD
Resident: Jeremy Price, MD, PhD
Project(s): Deciphering the role of MerTK in sarcomagenesis and response to radiation therapy and immune checkpoint blockade; Effective pain control with very low dose palliative radiotherapy for multiple myeloma patients with uncomplicated osseous lesions
Mentors: David Kirsch, MD, PhD; Yvonne Mowery, MD, PhD; Michael Moravan, MD, PhD
Resident: Andrew Fairchild, MD, MA
Project: Long-term outcomes following intracranial radiosurgery for brain metastases
Mentors: John Kirkpatrick, MD, PhD; Scott Floyd, MD, PhD
Class of 2020
Resident: Jarred Tanksley, MD, PhD
Project: The role of BET bromodomain proteins in the radiosensitivity of NUT carcinoma
Mentor: Scott Floyd, MD, PhD
Resident: Sarah Jo Stephens, MD
Project: Advanced image-guided radiotherapy for hepatobiliary malignancies
Mentor: Manisha Palta, MD
Resident: Corbin Jacobs, MD
Project: Use of large datasets to elucidate outcomes of cancer patients treated with radiotherapy
Mentor: Junzo Chino, MD; Brian Czito, MD; Michael Moravan, MD, PhD; and others
Class of 2019
Resident: Julian Hong, MD, MS
Title: System for High-Intensity EvaLuation During Radiation Therapy (SHIELD-RT): A prospective randomized study of machine learning–directed clinical evaluations during radiation and chemoradiation
Mentor: Manisha Palta, MD
Resident: Andrew Martella, MD
Title: Duke University Hospital Administrative Fellowship
Mentor: Kevin Sowers, MSN, RN, FAAN
Resident: Fumiko Chino, MD
Title: Understanding the effects of financial toxicity on head and neck cancer patients
Mentor: Yvonne Mowery, MD, PhD
Resident Publications
- Huie D, Lerner E, Edwards RM, Srinivasan ES, Vaios EJ, Fecci PE. Advanced Imaging Techniques and Planning for Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy. In H.B., Newton (Ed), Handbook of Neuro-Oncology Neuroimaging (3rd ed.). Elsevier, 2022.
- Vaios EJ, Batich KA, Buckley AF, Dunn-Pirio A, Patel MP, Kirkpatrick JP, Goudar R, Peters KB. Resolution of radiation necrosis with bevacizumab following radiation therapy for primary CNS lymphoma. Oncotarget. 2022 Mar 29;13:576-582.
- Matthew M Grabowski, MD, Ethan S Srinivasan, MD, Eugene Vaios, MD/MBA, Eric W Sankey, MD, Balint Otvos, MD/PhD, Daria Krivosheya, MD, Alex Scott, BS, Michael Olufawo, BS, Jun Ma, MD, Elena Fomchenko, MD/PhD, James E Herndon, PhD, Albert H Kim, MD/PhD, Veronica L Chiang, MD, Clark C Chen, MD/PhD, Eric C Leuthardt, MD, Gene H Barnett, MD, John P Kirkpatrick, MD, PhD, Alireza M Mohammadi, MD, Peter E Fecci, MD/PhD. Combination Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy Plus Stereotactic Radiotherapy (SRT) Increases Time to Progression for Biopsy-Proven Recurrent Brain Metastases. Neuro-Oncology Advances, 2022.
- Carpenter DJ, Natesan D, Floyd W, Niedzwiecki D, Waters L, Godfrey D, Moravan M, Lee WR, Salama J. Moderately hypofractionated radiotherapy for high-risk prostate cancer in an equal access health care system with a predominately African American population. Federal Practitioner. 2022.
- Hathout L, Wang Y, Wang Q, Vergalasova I, Elshaikh MA, Dimitrova I, Damast S, Li JY, Fields EC, Beriwal S, Keller A, Kidd EA, Usoz M, Jolly S, Jaworski E, Leung EW, Donovan E, Taunk NK, Chino J, Natesan D, Russo AL, Lea JS, Albuquerque KV, Lee LJ. Does prophylactic para-aortic lymph node irradiation improve outcomes in women with stage IIIC1 endometrial carcinoma? Pract Radiat Oncol. 2022 Mar-Apr;12(2).
- Shenker, R., Stephens, SJ., Davidson, B., and Chino, J. Role of stereotactic body radiotherapy in gynecologic radiation oncology International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer 2022;32:372-379.
- Kent CL, Mowery YM, Babatunde O, Wright AO, Barak I, McSherry F, Herndon II JE, Friedman AH, Zomorodi A, Peters K, Desjardins A, Friedman H, Sperduto W, Kirkpatrick JK. Long-Term Outcomes for Patients with Atypical or Malignant Meningiomas Treated with or without Radiation Therapy: A Twenty-Five Year Retrospective Analysis of a Single-Institution Experience. Advances in Radiation Oncology. 2022 May.
- Johnson TR, Bassil AM, Williams NT, Brundage S, Kent CL, Palmer G, Mower RYM, Oldham M. An investigation of kV mini-GRID spatially fractionated radiation therapy: dosimetry and preclinical trial. Phys Med. Biol. 2022 Feb.
- Pooja Karukonda, MD; Manisha Palta, MD; Brian Czito, MD; and Christopher Willett, MD. Combining Immunotherapy With Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation in the Treatment of Locally Advanced, Resectable Esophago-Gastric Cancers. ASCO Daily News. 2022 Jan 05.
- Erickson BG, Ackerson BG, Kelsey CR, Yin FF, Adamson J, Cui Y. The Effect of Various Dose Normalization Strategies When Implementing Linear Boltzmann Transport Equation Dose Calculation for Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Planning. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2022 Feb 24:S1879-8500(22)00066-2. doi: 10.1016/j.prro.2022.02.005. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35219882.
- Turchan WT, Cutright D, Wu T, Leng JX, Dignam JJ, Eggener SE, Liauw SL. Hematuria Following Post-Prostatectomy Radiotherapy: Incidence Increases with Long-Term Follow-Up. J Urol (2022).
- Winter SF, Klein JP, Vaios EJ, Karschnia P, Lee EQ, Shih HA, Loebel F, Dietrich J. Clinical Presentation and Management of SMART Syndrome. Neurology. 2021 May 4:10.1212/WNL.0000000000012150.
- Natesan D, Carpenter DJ, Floyd W, Oyekunle T, Niedzwiecki D, Waters L, Godfrey D, Moravan MJ, Lee WR, Salama J. Effect of Large Prostate Volume on Efficacy and Toxicity of Moderately Hypofractionated Radiotherapy in Patients with Prostate Cancer. Advances in Radiation Oncology. 2021 Sept 14. In press.
- Hathout L, Wang Y, Wang Q, Vergalasova I, Elshaikh MA, Dimitrova I, Damast S, Li JY, Fields EC, Beriwal S, Keller A, Kidd EA, Usoz M, Jolly S, Jaworski E, Leung EW, Donovan E, Taunk NK, Chino J, Natesan D, Russo AL, Lea JS, Albuquerque KV, Lee LJ. A Multi-Institutional Analysis of Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Radiation Sequence in Women with Stage IIIC Endometrial Cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2021 Mar 4:S0360-3016(21)00240-6.
- Hughes RT, Porosnicu M, Levine BJ, Lycan TW Jr, Shenker RF, Frizzell BA, Greven KM. Chemoradiotherapy with high-dose cisplatin compared with weekly cisplatin for locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2021 Oct;65(6):796-805. doi: 10.1111/1754-9485.13292. Epub 2021 Jul 26. PMID: 34309212; PMCID: PMC8490277.
- Shenker RF, May NH, Waltonen JD, Yang JP, O'Neill SS, Frizzell BA, Greven KM, Hughes RT. Comparing Outcomes for Patients with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Type 16 versus Other High-Risk HPV Types in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Head Neck Pathol. 2021 Feb 22. doi: 10.1007/s12105-021-01308-6. PMID: 33616854.
- Karukonda P, Odhiambo D, Mowery YM. Pharmacologic inhibition of ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related (ATR) in the treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Mol Carcinog. 2022 Feb;61(2):225-238. doi: 10.1002/mc.23384. Epub 2021 Dec 29. PMID: 34964992; PMCID: PMC8799519.
- Ackerson BG, Wu Q, Craciunescu O, Oyekunle T, Niedzwiecki D, Gupton J, Laug P, Brumfield K, Crain E, Champ CE, Kelsey CR. Recumbent Total Skin Electron Beam Therapy. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2021 Apr 22;6(4):100698. doi: 10.1016/j.adro.2021.100698. PMID: 34409205; PMCID: PMC8361039.
- Anakwenze Akinfenwa CP, Ibraheem A, Nwankwo K, Lasebikan N, Ali-Gombe M, Aliyu UM, Ikhile E, Adegboyega O, Abdullahi A, Klopp AH, Schmeler K, Lin LL, Jhingran A, Page BR, Leng J, Grover S, Ntekim A. Emerging Use of Public-Private Partnerships in Public Radiotherapy Facilities in Nigeria. JCO Global Oncology (2021).
- Jacobs C, Gao J, Wang W, Ready NE, Clarke JM, Tong B, Suneja G, Kelsey CR, Torok JA. Definitive Radiotherapy for Inoperable Stage IIB Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Patterns of Care and Comparative Effectiveness. Clin Lung Cancer. 2020 May; 21(3):238-246.
Jacobs C, Trotter J, Palta M, Yuan W, Willett CG, Lee WR, Czito BG. Multi-Institutional Analysis of Synchronous Prostate and Anorectosigmoid Cancers. Frontiers in Oncology. 2020 Mar; 10:345.
Barbour AB*, Jacobs C*, Williamson H, Floyd SR, Suneja G, Torok JA, Kirkpatrick JP. Radiotherapy Practice Patterns for Brain Metastases in the United States in the Stereotactic Radiosurgery Era. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2020 Jan. 5(1):43-52. *Co-first author.
Chodavadia P*, Jacobs C*, Wang F, Havrilesky LJ, Chino JP, Suneja G. Off-Study Utilization of Experimental Therapies: Analysis of GOG249-Eligible Cohorts Using Real World Data. Gynecologic Oncology. 2020 Jan; 156(1):154-161. *Co-first author.
Proctor L, Hoang L, Moore J, Thompson E, Leung S, Natesan D, Chino J, Gilks B, McAlpine JN. Association of human papilloma virus status and response to radiotherapy in vulvar squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2020 Jan; 30(1):100-106. doi: 10.1136/ijgc-2019-000793. Epub 2019 Nov 25. PMID: 31771962.
Chiang J, Diaz AK, Makepeace L, Li X, Han Y, Li Y, Klimo P, Boop FA, Baker SJ, Gajjar A, Merchant TE, Ellison DW, Broniscer A, Patay Z, Tinkle CL. Clinical, imaging, and molecular analysis of pediatric pontine tumors lacking characteristic imaging features of DIPG. Acta neuropathologica communications 2020 ;8(1):57. DOI:10.1186/s40478-020-00930-9.
- Carpenter DJ, Jacobs C, Wong T, Craciunescu O, Chino JP. Changes on Mid-Chemoradiotherapy FDG-PET/CT for Cervical Cancer are Associated with Prognosis. Int J Radiation Oncol Biol Phys. 2019 Oct; 105(2):356-366.
- Corradetti MN, Torok JA, Hatch AJ, Xanthopoulos EP, Lafata K, Jacobs C, Rushing C, Calaway J, Jones G, Kelsey CR, Nixon AB. Dynamic Changes in Circulating Tumor DNA During Chemoradiation for Locally Advanced Lung Cancer. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2019 Oct; 4(4):748-52.
Jacobs C, Palta M, Willett CG, Czito BG. Perioperative Systemic Therapy Versus Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy for Operable Gastroesophageal Junction Cancers. Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium ASCO Daily News. 2019 Oct. https://dailynews.ascopubs.org/do/10.1200/ADN.19.190446/full/?cid= DM4325&bid=35132818
- Wang H, Diaz AK, Shaw TI, Li Y, Niu M, Cho JH, Paugh BS, Zhang Y, Sifford J, Bai B, Wu Z, Tan H, Zhou S, Hover LD, Tillman HS, Shirinifard A, Thiagarajan S, Sablauer A, Pagala V, High AA, Wang X, Li C, Baker SJ, Peng J. Deep multiomics profiling of brain tumors identifies signaling networks downstream of cancer driver genes. Nature Communications. 2019 Aug 16;10(1):3718. DOI:10.1038/s41467-019-11661-4.
- Jacobs C, Palta M, Williamson H, Price JG, Czito BC, Salama JK, Moravan MJ. Hypofractionated Image-Guided Radiation Therapy with Simultaneous-Integrated Boost Technique for Limited Metastases: A Multi-Institutional Analysis. Frontiers in Oncology. 2019 Jun; 9:469.
- Natarajan B, Jacobs C, Salama JK. Radiotherapy and Small Cell Carcinoma with Paraneoplastic Polyneuropathy. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2019 Jun; doi: 10.7326/L19-0236.
- Jacobs C, Carpenter DC, Hong JC, Havrilesky LJ, Sosa JA, Chino JP. Radiation Records in the National Cancer Database: Variations in Coding and/or Practice Can Significantly Alter Survival Results. JCO Clin Cancer Inform. 2019 May:3:1-9. doi: 10.1200/CCI.18.00118. PMID: 31050906.
- Chino F. Resident Voice: “Failure is the mother of success” and other advice on resident research. Applied Radiation Oncology. 2019 Mar 18;8(1):5-6.
- Spiegel DY, Hong JC, Oyekunle T, Waters L, Lee WR, Salama JK, Koontz BF. A nomogram for testosterone recovery following combined androgen deprivation and radiation therapy for prostate cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2019 Mar 15;103(4):834-842. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2018.11.007. PMID: 30419308.
- Spiegel DY, Boyer MJ, Hong JC, Williams CD, Kelley M, Salama JK, Palta M. Long-term Clinical Outcomes of Nonoperative Management with Chemoradiotherapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer in the Veterans Health Administration. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2019 Mar 1;103(3):565-573.doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2018.10.018. PMID: 30359718.
- Jacobs C, Horton J, Blitzblau R, Suneja GS. Synchronous Breast Cancer and Primary Mediastinal B-cell Lymphoma. Practical Radiation Oncology. 2019 Mar; 9(2): featured on the cover.
- Chino F, Kamal A, Chino J, LeBlanc T. Disparities in Place of Death for Patients with Hematological Malignancies, 1999-2015. Blood Advances. 2019 Feb 12;3(3):333-338. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances. 2018023051.
- Hong JC, Boyer MJ, Spiegel DY, Williams CD, Tong BC, Shofer SL, Moravan MJ, Kelley MJ, Salama JK. Increasing PET Use in Small Cell Lung Cancer: Survival Improvement and Stage Migration in the VA Central Cancer Registry. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2019 Feb;17(2):127-139 doi: 10.6004/jnccn.2018.7090. PMID:30787126.
- Jacobs C, Barbour AB, Mowery YM. The Relative Distribution of Oral Cancer in the United States by Subsite. Oral Oncol. 2019 Feb; 89:56-68.
- Lafata KJ, Hong JC, Geng R, Ackerson BG, Liu JG, Zhou Z, Torok J, Kelsey CR, Yin FF. Association of Pre-treatment Radiomic Features with Lung Cancer Recurrence Following Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy. Phys Med Biol. 2019 Jan 8:64(2):025007. doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aaf5a5. PMID: 30524018.
- Chino F, Zafar SY. 2019 ASCO Educational Book: Financial Toxicity and Equitable Access to Clinical Trials. Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book. 2019 Jan;39:11-18. doi: 10.1200/EDBK_100019. Epub 2019 May 17.
- Jacobs C, Chino JP, Suneja GS. Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer Invading the Rectum and Bladder. Practical Radiation Oncology. 2019 Jan; 9(1): featured on the cover.
- Jacobs C, Moravan MJ, Choe J, Kahmke R, Mowery Y, Salama JK. Cancers of the Oral Cavity: Diagnosis and Treatment. Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd Edition. Elsevier. 2019: 131-168.
- Hong JC, Niedzwiecki D, Palta M, Tenenbaum JD. Prediciting Emergency Visits and Hospital Admissions During Radiation and Chemoradiation: An Internally Validated Pretreatment Machine Learning Algorithm. JCO Clin Cancer Inform. 2018 Dec 2:1-11. doi:10.1200/CCI.18.00037. PMID: 30652595
- Hong JC, Cui Y, Patel BN, Rushing CN, Faught A, Eng J, Higgins K, Yin FF, Das S, Czito BG, Willett CG, Palta M. Association of interim FDG-PET imaging during chemoradiation for quamous anal canal carcinoma with recurrence. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2018 Nov 15: 102(4): 1046-1051; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrobp.2018.04.062. PMID: 29891206.
- Tandberg DJ, Cui Y, Rushing CN, Hong JC, Ackerson B, Marin D, Zhang X, Czito BG, Willett CG, Palta M. Intra-treatment response assessment with 18F-FDG PET: Correlation of semi-quantitative PET features with pathologic response of esophageal cancer to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2018 Nov 15;102(4):1002-1007. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2018.07.187. PMID: 30055238.
- Lafata K, Cai J, Wang C, Hong J, Kelsey C, Yin FF. Spatial-Temporal Variability of Radiomic Features and its Effect on the Classification of Lung Cancer Histology. Phys Med Biol. 2018 Nov 8;63(22):225003. doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aae56a. PMID: 30272571.
- Ackerson BG, Tong B, Hong JC, Gu L, Chino J, Lafata K, Torok J, Chang C, Kelsey CR. Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy versus Sublobar Resection for Stage I NSCLC. Lung Cancer. 2018 Nov;125:185-191. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2018.09.020. PMID: 30429018.
- Hong JC, Spiegel DY, Havrilesky LJ, Chino JP. High Volume Providers and Brachytherapy Practice: A Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Analysis. Brachytherapy. 2018 Nov - Dec;17(6):906-911. doi: 10.1016/j.brachy.2018.07.007. PMID: 30057292.
- Chino F, Kamal A, LeBlanc T, Zafar Y, Suneja G, Chino J. Place of death for patients with cancer in the United States, 1999 through 2015: racial, age, and geographic disparities. Cancer. 2018 Oct 21. doi: 10.1002/cncr.31737.
- Spiegel D, Chino F, Moss H, Havrilesky, Chino J. Changes in Insurance Coverage for Cancer Patients Receiving Brachytherapy Before and After Enactment of the Affordable Care Act. Brachytherapy. 2018 Oct 20. pii: S1538-4721(18)30503-8. doi: 10.1016/j.brachy.2018.08.017.
- Chino F, Peppercorn J, Rushing C, Nicolla J, Kamal A, Altomare I, Samsa G, Zafar SY. "Going for Broke": A Longitudinal Study of Patient-Reported Financial Sacrifice in Cancer Care. Journal of Oncology Practice. 2018 Sep;14(9):e533-e546. doi: 10.1200/JOP.18.00112
- Chino F, Pollis K, Choi S, Salama J, Palta M. Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy-induced Abscopal Effect on Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Treatment for Lung Cancer: A Case Report. Hepatology. 2018 Jun 11. doi: 10.1002/hep.30100. [Epub ahead of print]
- Tandberg DJ, Oyekunle T, Lee WR, Wu Y, Salama JK, Koontz BF. Post-operative radiation therapy for prostate cancer: Comparison of conventional versus hypofractionated radiation regimens. IJROBP. 2018 Jun 1;101(2):396-405.
- Chino F, Stephens SJ, Choi S, Marin D, Godfrey D, Czito B, Willett C, Palta M. The Role of External Beam Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Hepatocellular Cancer. Cancer. 2018 Apr 12. doi: 10.1002/cncr.31334
- Hong JC, Ayala-Peacock DN, Lee J, Blackstock AW, Okunieff P, Sung MW, Weichselbaum RR, Kao J, Urbanic JJ, Milano MT, Chmura SJ, Salama JK. Classification for Long-term Survival in Oligometastatic Patients treated with Ablative Radiotherapy: A Multi-institutional Pooled Analysis. PLoS One. 2018 Apr 12; 13(4): e0195149. doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0195149. PMID: 29649281.
- Brownstein JM, Wisdom AJ, Castle KD, Mowery YM, Guida PM, Lee C, Tommasino F, La Tessa C, Scifoni E, Gao J, Luo L, Da Silva Campos L, Ma Y, Williams N, Jung S, Durante M, Kirsch DG. Characterizing the potency and impact of carbon ion therapy in a primary mouse model of soft tissue sarcoma. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. 2018 Apr; 17(4).
- Tandberg DJ, Ackerson BG, Tong BC, Kelsey CR. Surgery Versus Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Stage I NSCLC: A Comprehensive Review. Cancer. 2018 Feb 15;124(4):667-678.
- Nah SA, Ong CCP, Lie D, Marimuttu VJ, Hong J, Te-Lu Y, Low Y, Jacobsen AS. Unerstanding Experiences of Youth Growing Up with Anorectal Malformation or Hirschsprung's Disease to Inform Transition Care: A qualitative In-Depth Interview Study. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2018 Feb:28(1):67-74. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1605351. PMID: 28837998.
- Chino F, Suneja G, Chino J. Image-guided HDR Brachytherapy for Pelvic Sidewall Recurrence of Endometrial Cancer. Practical Radiation Oncology. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prro.2018.08.008
- Song EJ, Jacobs C, Palta M, Willett CG, Yuan W, Czito BG. Evaluating Treatment Protocols for Rectal Squamous Cell Carcinomas: The Duke Experience and Literature Review. J Gastrointest Oncol. 2018. doi: 10.21037/jgo.2018.11.02.
- Tandberg DJ, Willett CW, Czito B. Intraoperative radiation therapy. Precision Radiation Oncology. Rutgers University Press. 2018.
- Chino F, Suneja G, Moss H, Zafar Y, Havrilesky L, Chino J. Healthcare Disparities in Cancer Patietns Receiving Radiation: Changes in Insurance Status after medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act. Int J Radiat Oncol Bio Phys. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrobp.2017.1 [Article in Press] Published online Dec 13, 2017.
- Fumiko Chino. My Unfortunate Introduction Into the Financial Toxicity of Cancer Care in America - March Forth. JAMA Oncol. Published online Dec 07, 2017. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2017.4436.
- Jacobs C, Eickstaedt N, Driscoll C. Multiple Primary Synchronous Lung Cancer Diagnosed by Routine Low-Dose Computed Tomography Screening and Treated with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy. Gundersen Med J. 2017 Dec; 10(1), 61.
- Jacobs C, Nashed D, Hagan B. Positional Cough: The Presenting Symptom of Left Atrial Myxoma. Gundersen Med J. 2017 Dec; 10(1), 50.
- Song EJ, Hong JC, Czito BG. Tumor Lysis Syndrome Following Radiation Therapy in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer: A Case Report. CRCP. 2017 Dec;4(4):22. doi:10.5430/crcp.v4n4p22.
- Gensheimer M*, Hong JC*, Chang-Halpenny C, Eclov NCW, To J, Murphy JD, Wakelee HA, Neal J, Le QT, Hara WY, Quon A, Maxim PG, Graves EE, Olson MR, Diehn M, Loo BW. Mid-radiotherapy PET/CT for prognostication and detection of early progression in patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer. Radiother Oncol. 2017 Aug 19. pii: S0167-8140(17)32514-8. doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2017.08.007. PMID: 28830717. *Equal contributors.
- Chino F, Peppercorn J, Rushing C, Kamal A, Altomare I, Samsa G, Zafar Y. “Going for Broke”: Out-of-Pocket Costs, Financial Distress and Underinsurance in Cancer Care. e-pub 2017 Aug 10. JAMA Oncology, doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2017.2148
- Hong JC, Rahimy E, Gross CP, Shafman T, Hu X, Yu JB, Ross R, Finkelstein SE, Dosoretz A, Park HS, Soulos PR, Evans SB. Radiation Dose and Cardiac Risk in Breast Cancer Treatment: An Analysis of Modern Radiotherapy Including Community Settings. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2017 Jul 20. pii: S1879-8500(17)30199-6. doi: 10.1016/j.prro.2017.07.005. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 28888675.
- Huang J, Chen M, Whitley M, Kuo H, Xu E, Walens A, Mowery YM, Van Mater D, Eward W, Cardona D, Luo L, Ma Y, Lopez O, Nelson C, Robinson-Hamm J, Reddy A, Dave S, Gersbach C, Dodd R, Kirsch DG. Generation and comparison of CRISPR/Cas9 and Cre-mediated genetically engineered mouse models of sarcoma. Nature Communications. 2017 Jul; 8:15999.
- Tandberg DJ, Kelsey CR, D’Amico TA, Crawford J, Chino JP, Tong BC, Ready NE, Wright A. Patterns of Failure Following Surgery for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Invading the Chest Wall. Clinical Lung Cancer. 2017 July; 18(4):259-265.
- Rahimy E, Hong JC, Gross CP, Hu X, Shafman T, Conner H, Ross R, Dosoretz A, Evans SB. Increased number of beam angles is associated with higher cardiac dose in adjuvant fixed gantry intensity-modulated radiation therapy of left-sided breast cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2017 Jun 27. pii: S0360-3016(17)33517-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2017.06.2451. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 28864402.
- Ali M, Kaltenbrun E, Anderson GR, Stephens SJ, Arena S, Bardelli A, Counter CM, and Wood KC; Codon bias imposes a targetable limitation on KRAS-drive therapeutic resistance; Nature Communications; 8:15617; June 2017.
- Bolton JL, Marinero S, Hassanzadeh T, Natesan D, Le D, Belliveau C, Mason S, Auten R, Bilbo S. Gestational Exposure to Air Pollution Alters Cortical Volume, Microglial Morphology, and Microglia-Neuron Interactions in a Sex-Specific Manner. Front Synaptic Neurosci. 2017;9:10. May 31 2017. doi:10.3389/fnsyn.2017.00010
- Natesan D, Hong JC, Foote J, Sosa JA, Havrilesky L, Chino J. Increasing Utilization of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy in Vulvar Cancer: National Practice Patterns 2004-2012. J Radiat Oncol. 2017 May 18. DOI 10.1007/s13566-017-0312-9.
- Hong JC, Foote J, Broadwater G, Gaillard S, Havrilesky LJ, Chino JP. Impact of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on management of early stage clear cell and papillary serous carcinoma of the uterus. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2017 Apr 3. doi: 10.1097/IGC.0000000000000926. PMID: 28375927.
- Mowery YM, Salama JK, Zafar SY, Moore HG, Willett CG, Czito BG, Hopkins MB, Palta M. Neoadjuvant long-course chemoradiation remains strongly favored over short-course radiotherapy by radiation oncologists in the United States. Cancer. 2017 Apr; 123(8):1434-1441.
- Hong JC, Foote J, Broadwater G, Sosa J, Gaillard S, Havrilesky LJ, Chino JP. A data-derived treatment duration goal for cervical cancer: Should 8 weeks remain the goal in the era of concurrent chemoradiation? JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 2017 Mar 28. doi: 10.1200/CCI.16.00072.
- Natesan D, Hong JC, Foote J, Sosa JA, Gaillard S, Havrilesky L, Chino J. Primary vs. Preoperative Radiation for Locally Advanced Vulvar Cancer: A National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) analysis. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2017 Mar 23. doi: 10.1097/IGC.0000000000000938. PMID: 28333840.
- Jacobs C, Jafari ME. Early Results of Lung Cancer Screening and Radiation Dose Assessment by Low-Dose CT at a Community Hospital. Clin Lung Cancer. 2017 Feb 2. pii: S1525-7304(17)30040-2. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cllc.2017.01.011
- Tandberg DJ, Holt T, Kelsey CR. Plasma Metabolites and risk of Radiation-induced Esophagitis: A Secondary Analysis from a Prospective Study, Anticancer Research. 2017 Feb; 37(2):719-726.
- Hong JC, Salama JK. The expanding role of stereotactic body radiation therapy in oligometastatic solid tumors: what do we know and where are we going? Cancer Treat Rev. 2017 Jan;52:22-32. doi: 10.1016/j.ctrv.2016.11.003. PMID: 27886588.
- Chino F, Willett C, Palta M, Czito, Chapter 15: Colorectal Cancer, Gastrointestinal Malignancies: A Practical Guide on Treatment Techniques, Springer International Publishing, 2017 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-64900-9
- Spiegel D, Palta M, Uronis H. (2017). The Role of Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy in the Management of Gastric Adenocarcinoma. Surgical Clinics of North America. 97(2):421-435.
- Spiegel DY. Breast Cancer: Biology or Stage? Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2017. 98(5):974-975.
- Torok JA, Gu L, Tandberg DJ, Wang X, Harpole Jr. DH, Kelsey CR, Salama JK. Patterns of Distant Metastases Following Surgical Management of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Clinical Lung Cancer. 2017; 18(1):57-70.
Natesan D, Susko M, Havrilesky L, Chino J. Definitive Chemoradiotherapy for Vulvar Cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer. Nove 2016;26(9):1699-1705. PMID: 27575629
- Hong JC, Czito BG, Willett CG, Palta M. A current perspective on stereotactic body radiation therapy for pancreatic cancer. Onco Targets Ther. 2016 Oct 31;9:6733-6739. PMID: 27826200.
- Stahl JM, Hong JC, Lester-Coll NH, Kann BH, Wilson LD, Higgins SA, Evans SB. Chest Wall Deformity in the Radiation Oncology Clinic. Anticancer Res. 2016 Oct;36(10):5295-5300. PMID: 27798891.
- Stephens, SJ, Thomas, S, Rizzieri, DA, Horwitz, ME, Chao, NJ, Engemann, AM, Lassiter, M, and Kelsey, CR; Myeloablative conditioning and total body irradiation in AML: Balancing survival and pulmonary toxicity; Adv Radiat Oncol; 1(4); Oct-Dec 2016; 272-280.
- Mowery YM and JK Salama. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Larynx Cancer: One Size Does Not Fit All. J Oncol Pract. 2016 Aug;12(8): 725-6.
- Boyer MJ, Ricardi U, Ball D, and Salama JK. Ablative Approaches for Pulmonary Metastases. Thoracic Surgery Clinics 2016 Feb; 26(1): 19-34. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.thorsurg.2015.09.004
- Evans MK, Sauer SJ, Nath S, Robinson TJ, Morse MA, Devi GR. X-linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein Mediates Tumor Cell Resistance to Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity. Cell Death Disease. 2016 Jan 28;7:e2073.
- Torok JA, Palta M, Willett CG, Czito BG. Nonoperative management of rectal cancer. Cancer. 2016, Jan 1, 122(1):34-41; Epub 2015.
- Hong JC, Salama JK. Dose escalation for unresectable locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: end of the line? Transl Lung Cancer Res 2016; 5(1): 126-133. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2218-6751.2016. PMID: 26958507.
- Moding EJ, Mowery YM and DG Kirsch. Opportunities for Radiosensitization in the SBRT Era. The Cancer Journal: The Journal of Principles & Practice of Oncology. 2016.
- Mowery YM, Horton JK. “Preoperative partial breast.” Short Course Breast Radiotherapy: A Comprehensive Review of Hypofractionation, Partial Breast, and Intra-operative Irradiation, 1st edition. Editors Arthur DW, Vicini F, Wazer DE, Khan AJ. Springer International Publishing. 2016.
- Mowery YM, Yoo S, and Blitzblau RC. “Chapter 30. Breast Cancer.” Treatment Planning in Radiation Oncology, 4th edition. Editors Khan F, Gibbons J, and Sperduto P. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Wolters Kluwer Health. 2016.
- Soo MS, Jarosz JA, Wren AA, Soo AE, Mowery YM, Johnson KS, Yoon SC, Kim C, Hwang ES, Keefe FJ, Shelby RA. Imaging-Guided Core-Needle Breast Biopsy: Impact of Meditation and Music Interventions on Patient Anxiety, Pain, and Fatigue. Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2016.
- Tandberg DJ, Osmond GW, Czito BG. Melanoma involving the surgical scar following surgery and craniospinal irradiation for childhood medulloblastoma: case report and literature review. Case Reports in Clinical Pathology. 2016;3(1):43-46.
- Olson AC, Coleman CN, Hahm SM, DeWeese TL, Shulman LN, Chabner BA, Chao N, Martei YM, Mundt AJ, Grover S. A Roadmap for a New Academic Pathway for Global Radiation Oncology. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2015 Nov; 93(3):493-496.
- Robinson TJ, Dinan MA, Li Y, Lee WR, Reed SD. Longitudinal trends in costs of palliative radiation for metastatic prostate cancer. J Palliat Med. 2015 Nov; 18(11):933-9. Epub 2015 Aug 4.
- Mowery YM and RC Blitzblau. The UK HeartSpare Study (Stage IB): Randomised comparison of a voluntary breath-hold technique and prone radiotherapy after breast conserving surgery: Bartlett FR, Colgan RM, Donovan EM, et al (Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Sutton, UK; et al) Radiother Oncol 114:66-72, 2014. Breast Diseases: A Year Book Quarterly. 2015 Oct; 26(3): 237–239.
- Mowery YM. A Primer on Medical Education in the United States through the Lens of a Current Resident Physician. Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2015 Oct; 7(10).
- Tandberg DJ, Craciunescu O, Kelsey CR. Radiation therapy for cutaneous T-cell lymphomas. Dermatol Clin. 2015 Oct;33(4):703-713.
- Zafar SY, Chino F, Ubel PA, Rushing C, Samsa G, Altomare I, Nicolla J, Schrag D, Tulsky JA, Abernethy AP, Peppercorn JM. The utility of cost discussions between patients with cancer and oncologists. Am J Manag Care. 2015 Sep;21(9):607-15.
- Grover S, Balogun OD, Yamoah K, Groen R, Shah M, Rodin D, Martei YM, Olson AC, Slone JS, Shulman LN, Coleman CN, Hahn SM. Training Global Oncologists: Addressing the Global Cancer Control Problem. Front Oncol. 2015 Apr 8;5:80. Pubmed ID 25905040.
- Boyle JM, Tandberg DJ, Chino JP, D'Amico TA, Ready NE, Kelsey Cr. Smoking history predicts for increased risk of second primary lung cancer: A comprehensive analysis. Cancer. 2015 Feb 15; 121(4): 598-604.
- Boyle J, Czito B, Willett C, Palta M. Adjuvant Radiation Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer: A Review of the Old and the New. J Gastrointest Oncol 2015. (Accepted for publication).
- Boyle J, Lee WR. Surgery is Inappropriate for Very High Risk Prostate Cancer: Pro. Oncology (Williston Park) 2015. (Accepted for publication).
- Salama JK, Palta M, Torok JA. The multidisciplinary management of early stage cervical esophageal cancer. In: Saba NF, El-Rayes B, eds. Esophageal Cancer: prevention, diagnosis and therapy. 1st ed. New York, NY: Springer International Publishing; 2015: 173-185.
- Torok JA, Palta M, Willett CG, Czito BG. Principles of radiation therapy in rectal cancer. In Cai Q, Xu H, El-Rayes B, Kooby D, Landry J, eds. Gastrointestinal Malignancies: Diagnosis and Treatment. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing; 2015.
- Torok JA, Perez BA, Czito BG, Willett CG, Yin F, Palta M. Cancers of the gastrointenstinal tract. In Khan FM, Gerbi BJ, Sperduto P eds. Treatment Planning in Radiation Oncology. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2015.
- Torok JA, Wu Y, Prosnitz LR, Kim GJ, Beaven AW, Diehl LF, Kelsey CR. Low-dose consolidation radiation therapy for early stage unfavorable Hodgkin lymphoma. Intern J Radiat Oncol, Biol, Phys 2015; 92(1): 54-9 [PMID 25863754].
Resident Presentations
Oral Presentations
- Lichtenstein M, Levit L, Schenkel C, Kirkwood K, Kelley M, Mailman J, Magnuson A, Mirda D, Natesan D, Hershman D. Researcher Experience and Comfort with Telemedicine and Remote Patient Monitoring in Cancer Treatment Trials. Submitted to ASCO Quality Care Symposium 2022.
- Hong J, Natesan D, Eclov N, Dalal N, Thomas S, Stephens S, Malicki M, Shields S, Cobb A, Mowery Y, Niedzwiecki D, Tenenbaum J, Palta M. System for High Intensity Evaluation During Radiation Therapy: A Prospective Randomized Study of Machine Learning Directed Clinical Evaluations During Outpatient Cancer Radiation and Chemoradiation. Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Learning Health Systems, May 23 2022.
Abstract/Poster Presentations
- Natesan D, Carpenter DJ, Giles W, Oyekunle T, Mumm L, Reitman Z, Kirkpatrick J, Floyd S. Palliative Care Utilization Among Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy for Brain Metastases. (AAHPM 2022, February 2022)
Oral Presentations
- Natesan D, Thomas S, Eclov N, Dalal N, Stephens S, Malicki M, Shields S, Cobb A, Mowery Y, Niedzwiecki D, Tenenbaum J, Palta M, Hong J. Machine Learning Algorithm Prospectively Predicts Survival for High Risk Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy: a SHIELD-RT survival analysis. ASTRO 2021, Quick Pitch Oral Presentation, October 24-27 2021, Chicago IL.
- Natesan D, Thomas S, Eisenstein E, Eclov N, Dalal N, Stephens S, Malicki M, Shields S, Cobb A, Mowery Y, Niedzwiecki D, Tenenbaum J, Palta M, Hong J. Machine Learning Directed Treatment Evaluations Result in Decreased Cost of Acute Care Visits: Cost Analysis of SHIELD-RT. ASCO 2021, Discussant Poster Session, June 4-8 2021, Virtual.
- Survey of Healthcare Providers Utilization and Perception of Telehealth On-Treatment Visits during COVID19 Pandemic. Shenker, RF, Hong, JC, Eclov, N, Fairchild, A, Patel, P, Niedzwiecki, D, Palta, M. Quick Pitch Oral Presentation at ASTRO Annual Meeting, Chicago IL.
- Kent CL, Mowery YM, Wisdom AJ, Himes J, Bassil AM, Odhiambo D, Kirsch DG. A Novel Combination of Immunotherapy and Radiation Therapy in a Primary Mouse Model of Soft Tissue Sarcoma with High Mutational Load. Quick-Pitch Oral Presentation, ASTRO Annual Meeting; October 2021; Chicago, IL
- Kent CL, Wisdom AJ, Mowery YM, Su C, Bassil AM, Odhiambo D, Kirsch DG. Radiation Therapy and Local CpG Immunotherapy in a Primary Mouse Model of Soft Tissue Sarcoma. Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting; October 2021; Virtual Meeting
- Pooja Karukonda, Taofik Oyekunle, Divya Natesan, Noah Kalman, Yang Sheng, Jennifer O’Daniel,Donna Niedzwiecki, Bridget Koontz. Impact of Target Volume and Image Guidance on Post-Prostatectomy Patients Treated with IMRT. ASTRO 63rd Annual Meeting. 2021 October 25; Chicago, IL
- Bradley G. Ackerson, William Sperduto, Pranalee Patel, Taofik Oyekunle, Jared Christensen, Christopher Kelsey. Interpreting Post-SBRT Lung Imaging: A Comparison of Radiology and Radiation Oncology Impressions. IJROBP, ASTRO 2021.
- Brett Erickson, Bradley G. Ackerson, Christopher Kelsey, Fang-Fang Yin, Donna Niedzwiecki, Yunfeng Cui, Justus Adamson. Uncertainties in the dosimetric heterogeneity correction and local control for lung SBRT. AAPM 63rd annual meeting, 2021.
Abstract/Poster Presentations
- Boyer M, Carpenter D, Natesan D, Floyd W, Song H, Lee WR, Salama J. Moderately Hypofractionated Radiation for Localized Prostate Cancer with Seminal Vesicle Involvement. AVAHO 2021.
- Natesan D, Old HE, Hatheway E, Emmons A, Palta M, Zafar Y. Evolving Role of Oncology Telehealth Nurse at a Large NCI-Designated Cancer Institute. ASCO QI Symposium, September 24-25 2021, Boston MA.
- Natesan D, Carpenter DJ, Giles W, Oyekunle T, Niedzwiecki D, Reitman Z, Kirkpatrick J, Floyd S. Clinical Factors Associated with Death after Radiotherapy for Brain Metastases Society of Neuro-oncology Brain Metastases 2021, August 19-21 2021, Virtual.
- Natesan D, Thomas S, Eisenstein E, Eclov N, Dalal N, Stephens S, Malicki M, Shields S, Cobb A, Mowery Y, Niedzwiecki D, Tenenbaum J, Palta M, Hong J. Machine Learning Directed Treatment Evaluations Result in Decreased Variable Cost of Acute Care Visits During Radiotherapy: A Cost Analysis of SHIELD-RT. AMIA 2021, October 30-November 3 2021, San Diego CA, Recipient of AMIA Annual Meeting Distinguished Poster Award.
- Natesan D, Koontz B, Blitzblau R. Radiation Oncology Provider Telehealth Satisfaction: survey results from a single NCI designated institution. ASTRO 2021, October 24-27 2021, Chicago IL.
- Karukonda P, Oyekunle T, Natesan D, Sheng Y, Daniels J, Niedzwiecki D, Koontz, B. Impact of Target Volume and Image Guidance on Post-Prostatectomy Patients Treated with Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy. ASTRO 2021, October 24-27 2021, Chicago IL.
- Hatheway E*, Old HE*, Natesan D, Emmons A, Palta M, Zafar Y. Impact of Oncology Telehealth Care Coordinator Nurse on Telehealth Utilization at the Duke Cancer Institute. Duke Institute for Health Innovation, Duke Quality Improvement Scholars Symposium Spring 2021, Durham NC
- Natesan D, Oyekunle T, Niedzwiecki D, Zafar Y, Blitzblau R. Tele-Oncology Patient Satisfaction: survey results from a NCI designated institution. ASCO 2021, June 4-8 2021, Virtual.
- Oligometastases treated with an elective simultaneous integrated boost have reduced marginal recurrence rates. Shenker, RF, Price, JG, Jacobs, CD, Niedzwiecki, D, Oyekunle, T, Song, H, Palta, M, Czito, B, Kirkpatrick, JP, Mowery, YM, Moravan, MJ, Salama, JK. Poster Presentation at ASTRO Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Trends in health insurance among cancer patients receiving radiation therapy from 2008-2017. Shenker, RF, Moss, H, Chino, J. Poster Presentation at ASTRO Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Hispanic patients treated with radiation therapy for uterine cancer are disproportionately uninsured: an analysis of the National Cancer Database Public Benchmark Reports from 2008-2018. Mujumdar, V, Shenker, RF, Hagopian, G, Chino, J. Poster Presentation at MAGOS Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting.
- Hispanic patients treated with radiation therapy for uterine cancer are disproportionately uninsured: an analysis of the National Cancer Database Public Benchmark Reports from 2008-2018. Mujumdar, V, Shenker, RF, Hagopian, G, Chino, J. Poster Presentation at SGO Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
- Jacobs C, Barak I, Jung SH, Rocke D, Kahmke R, Suneja G, Mowery YM. Prediction Model to Estimate Overall Survival Benefit of Postoperative Radiotherapy for Resected Major Salivary Gland Cancers. Oral presentation and monetary award for best clinical and population science abstract at Duke Cancer Institute Scientific Retreat. 2019 Oct 25; Durham, NC.
- Jacobs C, Barbour AB, Suneja G, Williamson H, Floyd SR, Torok JA, Kirkpatrick JP. Whole Brain Radiotherapy Practice Patterns in the Era of Stereotactic Radiosurgery. Digital poster presentation at American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 61st Annual Meeting. 2019 Sept 17; Chicago, IL.
- Jacobs C, Kahmke R, Rocke D, Barak I, Jung SH, Suneja G, Mowery YM. Nomogram to Predict Survival Benefit of Postoperative Radiotherapy for Major Salivary Gland Cancers. Oral presentation at American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 61st Annual Meeting. 2019 Sept 17; Chicago, IL.
- Jacobs C, Gao J, Wang X, Mehta K, Salama JK, Torok JA, Kelsey CR. Nomogram Predicting Overall Survival Benefit of Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Poster presentation at IASLC World Congress on Lung Cancer. 2019 Sept 8; Barcelona, Spain.
- Jacobs C, Woldemichael K, Williamson H, Abisheva Z, Howell E, Abdelgadir J, Dechant C, Floyd SR, Fecci P, Kirkpatrick JP, Adamson J, Torok JA. Single- Versus Multi-Fraction Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brainstem Metastases. Poster presentation at the Society for Neuro-Oncology’s Inaugural Conference on Brain Metastases. 2019 Aug 16; New York, NY.
- Jacobs C, Chodavadia P, Wang F, Havrilesky L, Chino JP, Suneja G. United States Practice Patterns and Comparative Effectiveness of GOG 249 Arms. Oral presentation at American Brachytherapy Society (ABS) Annual Meeting. 2019 Jun 15; Miami, FL.
- Jacobs C, Suneja G, Barak I, Mehta K, Agassi A, Brizel DM, Mowery YM. Utilization of Brachytherapy for Early Stage Oral Cavity Cancers in the United States. Oral presentation at American Brachytherapy Society (ABS) Annual Meeting. 2019 Jun 13; Miami, FL.
- Barbour AB, Jacobs C, Suneja G, Floyd SR, Torok JA, Kirkpatrick JP. U.S. Radiotherapy Practice Patterns for Brain Metastases in the Era of Stereotactic Radiosurgery. Oral presentation at International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Congress. 2019 Jun 10; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Jacobs C, Woldemichael K, Abisheva Z, Abdelgadir J, Howell E, Dechant C, Floyd SR, Torok JA, Adamson J, Fecci P, Kirkpatrick JP. Stereotactic Radiosurgery in 1-5 Fractions for Brainstem Metastases: Radiobiologic Rationale and Logistics Informing Clinical Practice. Poster presentation at International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Congress. 2019 Jun 9; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Hong JC, Hauser ER, Redding TS, Sims KJ, Gellad ZF, O'Leary M, Madison A, Qin X, Weixx DG, Bullard AJ, Williams CD, Sullivan B, Lieberman DA, Provenzale D. Characterization of temporal relationships of comorbidities developed following cancer diagnoses in veterans (Abstract). American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Chicago, June 2019.
- Chino F, Stephens SJ, Price J, Salama J. Increasing Radiation Knowledge in non-Radiation Oncologists: Improving Multidisciplinary Cancer Care Through Radiation Oncology Education Project. ROECSG Spring Symposium, Chicago, May 2019.
- Chino F, Health Services Research: Finanical Toxicity and Cancer Treatment in America. Florida Socitty of Clinical Oncology, Spring Session, Orlando, FL, Apr 2019.
- Chino F, Health Services Research: Finanical Toxicity and Cancer Treatment in America. North Carolina Survivorship Summit, Raleigh, NC, Apr 2019.
- Jacobs C, Rocke D, Kahmke R, Williamson H, Suneja G, Mowery YM. Adjuvant Radiotherapy is Associated with Improved Overall Survival for Resected Alveolar Ridge Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Adverse Pathologic Features. Poster presentation at National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Annual Conference. 2019 Mar 22; Orlando, FL.
- Jacobs C, Gao J, Wang X, Ready NE, Clarke JM, Tong B, Kelsey CR, Suneja G, Torok JA. Definitive Radiotherapy for Inoperable Stage IIB Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Patterns of Care and Comparative Effectiveness Analyses Using the National Cancer Database. Poster presentation at Multidisciplinary Thoracic Cancers Symposium. 2019 Mar 14; San Diego, CA.
- Jacobs C, Trotter J, Palta M, Wu Y, Willett CG, Lee WR, Czito BC. Multi-Institutional Analysis of Synchronous Prostate and Rectosigmoid Cancers. Poster presentation at Genitourinary Cancers Symposium. 2019 Feb 14; San Francisco, CA.
- Chino F, Health Services Research: Finanical Toxicity and Cancer Treatment in America. Kansas Cancer Partnership, Topeka, Kansas. Jan 2019.
- Brownstein J, Wisdom A, Mower Y, Castle K. Lee CL, Luo L, Williams N, Ma Y, Da Silva-Campos L, Kirsch D. Calculating the RBE of carbon ion radiotherapy in a primary mouse model of sarcoma. International symposium on ion therapy (oral presentation). November 2018.
- Chino F, Health Services Research: Finanical Toxicity and Cancer Treatment in America. 19th Annual Meeting of the Society of Urologic Oncology, Phoenix, AZ. November 2018.
- Hong JC, Hauser ER, Redding TS, Sims K, Gellad Z, O’Leary M, Hyslop T, Madison A, Qin X, Weiss D, Bullard AJ, Thomas R, Williams C, Sullivan B, Johnson M, Turner M, Lieberman D, Provenzale D. Network analysis of chronological relationships of comorbidities in veterans from a prospective screening colonoscopy trial (Poster presentation). American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) 2018 Annual Symposium, San Francisco, November 2018.
- Hong JC, Niedzwiecki D, Palta M, Tenenbaum JD. Natural language processing to identify patient symptoms during and prior to cancer therapy (Poster presentation). American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) 2018 Annual Symposium, San Francisco, November 2018.
- Hong JC, Willett CG. Rectal Cancer with Synchronous Metastasis. 2018 Gastrointestinal Oncology Conference. International Society of Gastrointestinal Oncology. Arlington, VA. November 2018.
- Jacobs C, Carpenter DJ, Chino JP. Changes on Mid-Treatment FDG-PET/CT for Cervical Cancer Treated with Chemoradiotherapy Are Associated with Prognosis. Oral presentation at American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 60th Annual Meeting. 2018 Oct 24; San Antonio, TX.
- Jacobs C, Carpenter DJ, Hong JC, Chino JP. Inclusion of Subjects with Internally Inconsistent or Anomalous Data within the National Cancer Database Significantly Alters Survival Results. Oral presentation at American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 60th Annual Meeting. 2018 Oct 24; San Antonio, TX.
- Chino F, The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Cancer Care for Underserved Communities: The Good, The Bad, and the Unknown. 60th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology, San Antonio. October 2018.
- Hong J, Niedzwiecki D, Palta M, Tenenbaum J. Predicting emergency visits and hospital admissions in radiation and chemoradiation: Performance of a pre-treatment machine learning algorithm on different disease sites in an internal validation cohort (Oral presentation). 60th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), San Antonio. October 2018.
- Chino F, Kamal A, Chino J. Opioid-associated deaths in patients with cancer: A population study of the opioid epidemic over the past 10 years. ASCO Quality Care Symposium, Phoenix. Sept. 2018.
- Chino F, Health Services Research: Finanical Toxicity and Cancer Treatment in America. Iowa Oncology Society, Annual Conference, Iowa City, IA, Sept. 2018.
- Chino F, Kamal A, Chino J, LeBlanc T. Comprehensive evaluation of place of death for patients with hematological malignancies, 1999-2015. Poster presentation at American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Chicago, June 2018.
- Hong J. A Learning Healthcare System: Machine Learning-Based Clinical Decision Tools (Oral presentation). American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Practical Big Data Workshop 2018. Ann Arbor. June 2018.
- Hong JC, Boyer MJ, Spiegel DY, Williams CD, Tong BC, Shofer SL, Moravan MJ, Kelley MJ, Salama JK. Improved Survival of Small Cell Lung Cancer in the Veterans Health Administration from 2000-2010: Association with Increasing Utilization of PET Staging (Abstract). American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Chicago. June 2018.
- Hong JC, Havrilesky LJ, Chino JP. High Volume Providers and Brachytherapy Practice: An Analysis of the Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Data Set (Oral presentation). American Brachytherapy Society 2018 Annual Meeting, San Francisco. June 2018.
- Spiegel D, Chino F, Moss H, Zafar Y, Havrilesky L, Chino J. "Changes in Insurance Coverage for Cancer Patients Receiving Brachytherapy Before and AFter Enactment of the Affordable Care Act". American Brachytherapy Society Annual Conference, San Francisco. June 2018.
- Sullivan B, Redding T, Hauser ER, Gellad Z, Qin X, Weiss D, O’Leary M, Madison A, Bullard J, Hyslop T, Sims K, Thomas R, Williams C, Hong J, Johnson M, Turner M, Provenzale D, Lieberman D. Missed Lesions and Appropriate Follow-Up of Screening and Surveillance (Oral presentation). Digestive Disease Week 2018, Washington, DC. June 2018.
- Chino, F. “Financial Toxicity and Cancer Treatment”. Indiana Oncology Society Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN. April 2018.
- Spiegel DY, Hong JC, Oyekunle T, Lee WR, Koontz BF, Salama JK. A nomogram for testosterone recovery following combined androgen deprivation therapy and radiation therapy for prostate cancer (Oral presentation). European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) 37, Barcelona. April 2018.
- Hong JC, Palta M, Tenenbaum JD. Machine learning on EHR data for prediction of emergency visits and hospitalization during cancer radiotherapy (Poster presentation). American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) 2018 Informatics Summit, San Francisco, March 2018.
- Spiegel D, Boyer M, Hong JC, Williams CD, Kelley MJ, Rangwala FA, Salama JK, Palta M. Role of Adjuvant Chemotherapy Following Chemoradiation and Surgery for Locoregionally Advanced Rectal Cancer: A Veterans Health Administration Analysis (Poster presentation). 2018 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, San Francisco. January 2018.
- Spiegel DY, Boyer MJ, Hong JC, Williams CD, Kelley MJ, Salama JK, Palta M. Nonoperative Management for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer in the Veterans Health Administration. Accepted for the Best of ASTRO Meeting. 2017 Nov 10-11; Miami, FL. Presentation #144.
- Chino F, Suneja G, Moss H, Zafar Y, Havrilesky L, Chino J. “Healthcare Disparities in Cancer Patients Receiving Radiation: Changes in Insurance Status after Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act.”. 5th Annual Duke Cancer Institute Scientific Retreat, Durham. 2017 Oct. 27. [Platform Presentation]
- Brownstein JM, Wisdom A, Mowery Y, Castle K, Rusek A, Luo L, Williams N, Guida P, Ma Y, Lee CL, Da Silva Campos L, Kirsch D. Duke Cancer Institute. Calculating the RBE of carbon ion radiotherapy in a primary mouse model of sarcoma. Radiation Research Annual Conference (2017 poster). October 2017.
- Ackerson BG, Hong JC, Kelsey CR. SBRT Versus Sublobar Resection for Stage I NSCLC (Poster presentation). 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, San Diego, September 2017.
- Brownstein JM, Rusek A, Rossalot R, Castle K, Mowery Y, Wisdom A, Williams N, Luo L, Kirsch D. Duke Cancer Institute, ASTRO Conference (2017) High LET carbon ion radiotherapy in the treatment of a primary mouse sarcoma model at the NASA Space Research Laboratory. ASTRO annual meeting (2017 poster). September 2017.
- Chino F, Castellar E, Schild M, Blitzblau R, Suneja G, Duffy E, Broadwater G, Horton J Pathologic Response and Acute Toxicity: Planned Interim Analysis of the Phase II NeoRT Trial Evaluating Preoperative Single Fraction Partial Breast Radiotherapy in Early Stage Breast Cancer. (Poster presentation). 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, San Diego. September 2017.
- Chino F, Hong J, Torok J, Chino J, Suneja G. IMRT Utilization Rates for Treatment of Intact Cervical Cancer, A National Cancer Database Analysis (Poster presentation). 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, San Diego, September 2017.
- Chino F, Suneja G, Moss H, Zafar Y, Havrilesky L, Chino J. Healthcare Disparities in Cancer Patients Receiving Radiation: Changes in Insurance Status after Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act. (Oral Presentaton, Late Breaking Abstract Session). 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, San Diego. September 2017.
- Hong JC, Ayala-Peacock DN, Lee J, Blackstock AW, Okunieff P, Sung MW, Weichselbaum RR, Kao J, Urbanic JJ, Milano MT, Chmura SJ, Salama JK. Predicting for Long-term Survival in Oligometastatic Patients treated with Ablative Radiotherapy: A Multi-institutional Pooled Analysis (Electronic poster discussion). 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, San Diego, September 2017.
- Jacobs C, Hong JC, Havrilesky L, Sosa JA, Chino JP. Quality of reported radiation data as recorded in the NCDB for node positive uterine cancer. Poster presented at American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 59th Annual Meeting. September 2017; San Diego, CA.
- Lafata K, Cai J, Wang C, Hong J, Kelsey C, Yin FF. Sensitivity of Radiomic Features to Acquisition Noise and Respiratory Motion (Oral presentation). 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, San Diego, September 2017.
- Spiegel DY, Boyer MJ, Hong JC, Kelley M, Salama JK, Palta M. Non-operative Management for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer in the Veterans Affairs System (Oral presentation). 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, San Diego, September 2017.
- Tandberg DJ, Cui Y, Hong JC, Ackerson B, Czito B, Willett CW, Palta M. Intra-treatment FDG-PET Imaging to Predict Radiation Induced Esophagitis during Chemoradiotherapy for Esophageal Cancer. Accepted poster presentation, 59th annual meeting American Society of Radiation Oncology, San Diego, September 2017.
- Tandberg DJ, Lee WR, Salama J, Koontz B. Toxicity and Biochemical Outcomes of Hypofractionated Intensity Modulated Post-Operative Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer. Accepted poster presentation, 59th annual meeting American Society of Radiation Oncology, San Diego, September 2017.
- Lafata K, Cai J, Wang C, Hong J, Kelsey C, Yin FF. Sensitivity of Radiomic Features to Acquisition Noise and Respiratory Motion (Oral presentation). American Association of Physicists in Medicine 2017 Meeting. August 2017.
- Mowery YM. Impact of Mutational Load and Tumor Transplantation on Response to Radiotherapy and Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors. 2017 Immunotherapy Workshop, Incorporating Radiation Oncology into Immunotherapy. Oral presentation. Co-Sponsored by American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), National Cancer Institute (NCI) and Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC). June 15, 2017. Bethesda, MD.
- Yin FF, Lafata K, Hong JC, Kelsey CR. Effects of Motion on Radiomics Analysis of Thoracic Cancers. Multidisciplinary Thoracic Cancers Symposium, San Francisco. March 2017.
- Jacobs C, Jafari ME. How Low is Low? Radiation Dose Assessment of Low Dose Chest Computed Tomography for Lung Cancer Screening. Poster presented at American College of Radiation Oncology (ACRO) Annual Meeting. 2017 March 11; Orlando, FL.
- Jacobs C, Loudas N, Driscoll C. Toxicity Analysis of Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) at a Community Hospital. Poster presented at American College of Radiation Oncology (ACRO) Annual Meeting. 2017 March 11; Orlando, FL.
- Gilmore BF, Sun Z, Adam MA, Spiegel DY, Ezekian B, Turner MC, Nag U, Palta M, Migaly J, Mantyh C. IMRT is Superior to 3D-CRT for the Treatment of Anal Cancer. 12th Annual Academic Surgical Congress. 2017 February 7-9; Las Vegas, NV. Abstract #ACS20170492.
- Spiegel DY, Hong JC, Lee WR, Salama JK. A nomogram for testosterone recovery following combined androgen deprivation therapy and radiation therapy for prostate cancer (Poster presentation). 2017 Genitourinary Cancers Symposium, Orlando. February 2017.
- Tandberg DJ, Hong JC, Cui Y, Ackerson BG, Czito BG, Willett CW, Palta M. Interim FDG-PET imaging during neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for esophageal cancer: Correlation with pathologic response. Poster presentation, 2017 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, San Francisco, January 2017.
- Mowery YM, Kent CL, Wisdom AJ, Van Mater D, Castle KD, Luo L, Reinsvold M, Ma Y, Reddy A, Dave S, Kirsch DG. Evaluating the impact of tumor mutational load on response to immune checkpoint inhibition and radiotherapy in primary mouse models of soft tissue sarcoma. Oral presentation. Radiation Research Society (RRS) Annual Meeting. October 16, 2016. Waikoloa Village, HI.
- Mowery YM, Patel K, Olson AC, Khan MK, Salama JK, Salama AK. Toxicity and Survival for Metastatic Melanoma Patients Treated with Anti-PD1 Therapy and Radiation Treatment. American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual Meeting. Oral presentation. September 28, 2016. Boston, MA.
- Mowery YM, Salama JK, Zafar SY, Moore HG, Willett CG, Czito B, Hopkins MB, Palta M. Radiation Oncologists' Practice Patterns and Attitudes Regarding Neoadjuvant Short-Course Radiation Therapy for Rectal Cancer in the United States. ePoster session. American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual Meeting. September 27, 2016. Boston, MA.
- Jacobs C, Borgert A, Jafari ME. Early Results of Lung Cancer Screening by Low-Dose Computed Tomography at a Community Hospital. Poster presented at American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 58th Annual Meeting. 2016 September 26; Boston, MA.
- Kent CL, Mowery YM, Wisdom AJ, Van Mater D, Castle KD, Reddy A, Dave SS, Kirsch DG. Immune Checkpoint Inhibition and Radiation Therapy in 2 Primary Mouse Models of Soft Tissue Sarcoma: Impact of Tumor Mutational Load. American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual Meeting. September 26, 2016. Boston, MA.
- Kent CL, Mowery YM, Wright AO, Kim GJ, Desjardins A, Peters KB, Vlahovic G, Friedman HS, Cummings TJ, McLendon RE, Friedman AH, Sampson JH, Kirkpatrick JP. Long-Term Outcomes for Patients with Atypical or Malignant Meningiomas Treated with Radiation Therapy: A Single-Institution Retrospective Analysis. American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual Meeting. September 26, 2016. Boston, MA.
- Olson AC, Patel K, Mowery YM, Wynne J, Ready N, Kirkpatrick JP, Salama AK, Khan MK. Anti-PD-1 Therapy and Stereotactic Radiation for Melanoma and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients with Brain Metastases: A 2-Institution Series. American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual Meeting. September 26, 2016. Boston, MA.
- Mowery YM, Vergalasova I, Yoo DS, Limon D, Das SK, Hara WY, Brizel DM. 18F-FDG PET/CT Response at 20 Gy Predicts Treatment Outcome for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC). American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual Meeting. September 26, 2016. Boston, MA.
- Spiegel DY, Marcom PK, Peterson B, Force J, Howie L, Palta M, Blitzblau R, Horton J. Acute toxicity in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer treated with adjuvant radiotherapy and concurrent trastuzumab and pertuzumab. Poster #2023. 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. September 26, 2016. Boston, MA.
- Boyer MJ, Williams CD, Kelley MJ, and Salama JK. Improved Survival with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) Compared to Conventional Radiation in Stage I NSCLC: A Veteran’s Affairs Central Cancer Registry (VACCR) Study. Oral Presentation. American Society for Radiation Oncology Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, September 2016.
- Boyer MJ, Rushing C, Peterson B, Papagikos MA, Kiteley R, and Lee WR. Toxicity and Quality of Life Report of a Phase II Study of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Low and Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer. Poster Presentation American Society for Radiation Oncology Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, September 2016.
- Chino F, Peppercorn J, Rushing C, Samsa G, Nicolla J, Altomare I, Zafar SY. “Going for Broke”: Out of Pocket Costs, Financial Distress and Patient-reported Willingness to Pay and Sacrifice in Cancer Care Accepted for Presentation at the American Society for Radiation Oncology Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. September 2016. [Oral Presentation].
- Hong JC, Eng J, Faught A, Higgins K, Cui Y, Yin FF, Das S, Czito B, Willett C, Palta M. Interim FDG-PET imaging during chemoradiation for squamous anal canal carcinoma (Poster presentation). 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Boston. September 2016.
- Hong JC, Foote J, Broadwater G, Sosa J, Gaillard S, Havrilesky L, Chino J. Total treatment duration for cervical cancer: Is 55 days still the goal in the era of concurrent chemotherapy? (Oral presentation). 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Boston. September 2016.
- Hong JC, Gross CP, Shafman T, Hu X, Yu J, Ross R, Finkelstein S, Dosoretz A, Park H, Soulos P, Evans S. Modern Radiotherapy for Left –Sided Breast Cancer: An Analysis of Mean Heart Dose within Diverse Practice Settings (ePoster discussion). 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Boston. September 2016.
- Martella AP, Hong JC, Foote J, Havrilesky LJ, Gaillard S, Chino JP. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy in stage III endometrial cancer and the impact of time to treatment initiation: A National Cancer Data Base study (Poster presentation). 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Boston. Setpember 2016.
- Tandberg DJ, Cahill J, Kelsey CR. Biological Predictors of Radiation Esophagitis in Locally-Advanced Lung Cancer: A Secondary Analysis from a Prospective Study. Poster presentation, 58th annual meeting American Society of Radiation Oncology, Boston, September 2016.
- Loman K, Nawrocki J, Hoang J, Yoo D, Chang Z, Mowery Y, Li X, Peterson B, Brizel D, Craciunescu O. Establishing Relevant ADC-Based Texture Analysis Metrics for Quantifying Early Treatment-Induced Changes in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting. August 1, 2016. Washington, DC.
- Olson AC, Craciunescu O, Meltsner S, Cai J, Cheng JZ, Chino JP. Dosimetry, Feasibility, and Acute Toxicity of Combined Intracavitary Brachytherapy and Free-Hand Interstitial Needle Placement for Locally Advanced Cervix and Uterine Cancer. World Congress of Brachytherapy; 2016 June 27-29; San Francisco, CA. Oral Presentation.
- Hong JC, Foote J, Havrilesky LJ, Gaillard S, Chino JP. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy in early stage uterine papillary serous and clear cell carcinoma: A National Cancer Data Base study (Poster presentation). 2016 ASCO Annual Meeting, Chicago. June 2016.
- Schroeder K, Olson AC, Ackerson B, Larrier NL, Masalu N, Chao N, Likonda B. Radiation needs in pediatric oncology in the lake region of Tanzania. Symposium on Global Cancer Research, CUGH Annual Conference. 2016 April; San Francisco, CA. Poster Presentation.
- Cramer CK, Yoon SW, Reinsvold M, Joo KM, Norris H, Hood RC, Adamson JD, Klein RC, Kirsch DG, Oldham M. Treatment planning and delivery of whole brain irradiation with hippocampal avoidance in rats. 3rd Symposium on Small Animal Precision Image-Guided RadioTherapy, Ghent, 2016 March 21-23.
- Mowery YM, Vergalasova I, Limon D, Yoo DS, Das SK, Hara WY, Brizel DM. Intra-treatment 18F-FDG-PET/CT as an Imaging Biomarker for Head & Neck Caner. 2016 Radiation Oncology & Imaging Program Annual Retreat. March 14, 2016. Durham, NC.
- Mowery Y, Craciunescu O, Light K, Chino J. Incorporating a color-coded graphical interface into radiation treatment planning software to improve safety for patients undergoing external beam pelvic radiotherapy for gynecologic malignancies. 11th Annual Duke Health Patient Safety and Quality Conference. March 10, 2016. Durham, NC.
- Mowery YM, Vergalasova I, Yoo DS, Das SK, Hara WY, Brizel DM. Correlating Clinical Outcomes with Changes in Tumor Volume and 18F-FDG PET Characteristics during Radiotherapy (RT) for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC). Poster #227. 2016 Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancer Symposium. February 18, 2016. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Tumati V, Jacobs C, Ying J, Roehrborn CG, Lotan Y, Margulis V, Pistenmaa D, Kim DW, Hannan R. Outcomes in high-risk prostate cancer patients treated with definitive versus adjuvant radiation therapy. Poster presented at American Society of Clinical Oncology Genitourinary Cancer Symposium. 2016 January 9; San Francisco, CA.
- Qin R, Singh B, Olson AC, Bhavsar N, Wolf S, Salama JK, Kirkpatrick JP, Salama AK. Safety and efficacy of radiation in advanced melanoma patients treated with ipilimumab. Society for Melanoma Research 2015 Congress. 2015 November 18-21, San Francisco, CA. Poster Presentation.
- Mowery Y, Kim G, Wright A, Desjardins A, Peters K, Vlahovic G, Friedman H, Sampson J, Kirkpatrick J. Outcomes for Patients With Intracranial Meningiomas Treated With Radiation therapy and Bevacizumab: A Single-Institution Retrospective Analysis. Poster #2265. American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 2015 Annual Meeting. October 19, 2015. San Antonio, TX.
- Mowery Y, Vergalasova I, Yoo D, Das S, Brizel D. Correlating Outcomes With Changes in Tumor Volume and 18F-FDG PET Characteristics During Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC). Poster #2835. American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 2015 Annual Meeting. October 19, 2015. San Antonio, TX.
- Olson AC, Qin R, Singh B, Bhavsar N, Wolf S, Salama JK, Kirkpatrick JP, Salama AK. Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases in Melanoma Patients Receiving Ipilimumab. ASTRO Annual Meeting; 2015 October 18-21; San Antonio, TX. Poster Presentation.
- Robinson TJ, Zhang M, Kirsch DG. Next Generation Sequencing of Sarcoma Cells with HIF-1a Deletion Reveals Context-Dependent Regulation of HIF-1 Transcriptional Targets Induced by Radiation vs. Hypoxia. ASTRO 2015. October 2015. [electronic poster and short podium presentation].
- Torok JA, Castle KD, Reinsvold M, Kirsch DG. Modulation of endothelial cell radiation sensitivity and lung tumor response to radiation therapy. Poster and oral presentation at the American Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology 2015 Annual Conference. October 2015.