Duke Radiation Oncology prioritizes resident wellness.
Understanding that 21st-century medicine can sometimes be a challenge for providers and trainees, Duke Radiation Oncology has started a number of initiatives to support the well-being of our trainees, including:
- ½ day (off pager) every four months, in addition to vacation, for medical/dental appointments
- Dedicated resident wellness funds, directed by the residents, to support resident wellbeing
- Dedicated, protected time in the didactic schedule for resident wellness activities
- Expanded leave for primary and secondary caregivers
- Weekly lunches
- Monthly morning wellness breakfasts
- Annual resident dinner
- Special events, resident-specific and Department-wide
Prior Wellness activities have included pet therapy and teambuilding exercises.
Duke GME has a number of additional offerings including free meals, an in-hospital fitness center and others that can be found on their website.
Duke’s Personal Assistance Services (PAS) is a free, confidential counseling service, available to all employees and their immediate families. Records are not part of the DUH medical record system, and programs/employers are not notified that trainees or employees are using this service. There are dedicated GME Prime Time appointments at 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. reserved for GME trainees.
Visit our Instagram page for more photos of our wellness events.