Applying to the Duke Radiation Oncology Residency Program
Applicants on the Traditional and Radiation Oncology Research Scholar Tracks must apply through Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS®) and also register with the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP®). All applications are considered by a diverse group of faculty and trainees in a holistic manner. Following completion of the interview process, a rank list will be prepared with input from all faculty members. The rank list is then submitted to the NRMP for matching.
In addition, we are committed to increasing the number of women and underrepresented minorities in the field of radiation oncology, and individuals from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
Candidates accepted to our program will begin July 1 of the following year, after completing a clinical internship year.
Special Considerations for the Radiation Oncology Research Scholars Track
We encourage Physician Scientists to apply! For the 2025 Match season, we will be offering a RORS Track position via the separate match. This year applicants will start with a Holman Pathway residency (pending ABR approval), and be strongly considered for a post residency instructorship. To apply for the RORS track, please submit your application in ERAS and also complete and return this secondary application detailing your prior scholarly work and future goals.
Special Considerations for the Duke Radiation Oncology Military Track
All military candidates for the Duke Radiation Oncology Military Track must apply through the JGMESB using the MODS application platform, for information on the Army application process please contact the OTSG GME Office.
Those interested in learning more about this program are encouraged to contact the Duke Radiation Oncology Program Director Joseph Salama and the Radiation Oncology Program Coordinator Allie McArdle.
ERAS and NRMP 2025 Timeline
June 5, 2024 | 2025 ERAS season beings at 9 a.m. ET |
September 4, 2024 | Residency applicants may begin submitting MyERAS applications to programs at 9 a.m. ET |
September 16, 2024 |
Match registration opens at 12 p.m. EDT |
September 25, 2024 | Residency programs may begin reviewing MyERAS applications and MSPEs in the PDWS at 9 a.m. ET |
January 31, 2025 | Standard registration deadline at 11:59 p.m. EST |
February 3, 2025 | Ranking opens; medical schools begin verifying student/graduate graduation credentials at 12 p.m. EST |
March 5, 2025 | Registration deadline; Rank order certification deadline at 9 p.m. EST |
March 17, 2025 | Applicant match status available at 10 a.m. EDT |
March 21, 2025 | Match Day results available at 12 p.m. EDT |
May 31, 2025 | 2025 ERAS season ends at 5 p.m. ET |
Invitations to Interview at Duke Radiation Oncology
Duke Radiation Oncology will conduct in-person interviews this year.
Our Residency Application Committee reviews all applications received through ERAS and then recommends applicants to interview. We plan to send interview invitations in late October to selected applicants. Following acceptance of our invitation, the Residency Program Coordinator assists applicants with additional information for the interview.
ERAS is collaborating with Thalamus this year in hopes of making the residency process easier for applicants and programs. We will be utilizing Thalamus for communication and scheduling purposes.
Interview Schedule
On interview day, we provide the opportunity for the candidates to really get to know our Department, faculty, resident opportunities and current trainees.
Please take a moment to watch our videos, including a virtual Department tour.
Night Before
The night before interviews, candidates will meet in person with our residents for a Meet and Greet dinner. The Meet and Greet is an informal meeting so that you have the chance to get to know the residents, and so that the residents can get to know you. It’s a great opportunity to learn about our program, and to be yourself!
Day Of
Interview days are divided into two half day blocks. In one block, candidates will meet with members of our interview team. Each interview will take 15 minutes with five minute breaks in between each. In the second block, residents will tour candidates around our department, hospital and research facilities.
Selective Service System Registration
All male applicants (as determined by gender assigned at birth for purposes of this requirement) who are U.S. citizens or immigrants must have registered with the Selective Service System within 30 days of their 18th birthday, or arrival date into the U.S. Individuals are eligible to register until the age of 26. Failure to register is a violation of federal law, and can face significant penalties, including loss of eligibility for citizenship for immigrants. Individuals who have not registered are not eligible for a variety of benefits including federal student aid, federal job training and any job in the Executive Branch of the government (e.g., VA, Medicare, federal prisons), and are not allowed to work in federal facilities even as a resident or fellow.
Most Duke GME programs require rotations at federal facilities such as VA hospitals or prisons. All trainees in those programs must be eligible to work at those facilities. All applicants should ensure that they have registered for the Selective Service System if appropriate. If they have not registered, they should discuss this with their potential program director. Additional details can be found here.