Resident Publications
B Erickson, Y Cui, B Ackerson, C Kelsey, FF Yin, D Niedzwiecki, and J Adamson. Uncertainties in the dosimetric heterogeneity correction and its effects on local control in lung SBRT. Biomed Phys Engin Exp. 2023;9:035006.
Li X, Ge Y, Wu Q, Wang C, Sheng Y, Wang W, Stephens HS, Yin FF and Wu QJ, 2022. Input feature design and its impact on the performance of deep learning models for predicting fluence maps in intensity-modulated radiation therapy. Physics in Medicine & Biology.
Erickson B, Ackerson B, Kelsey C, Yin FF, Adamson J, and Cui Y. The effect of various dose normalization strategies when implementing linear Boltzmann transport equation dose calculation for lung stereotactic body radiation therapy planning. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2022;12(5):446-456.
Li X, Wu QJ, Wu Q, Wang C, Sheng Y, Wang W, Stephens H, Yin FF and Ge Y, 2021. Insights of an AI agent via analysis of prediction errors: a case study of fluence map prediction for radiation therapy planning. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(23), p.23NT01.
Hito M, Wang W, Stephens H, Xie Y, Li R, Yin FF, Ge Y, Wu QJ, Wu Q and Sheng Y, 2021. Assessing the robustness of artificial intelligence powered planning tools in radiotherapy clinical settings—a phantom simulation approach. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 11(12), p.4835.
Sheng Y, Li T, Ge Y, Lin H, Wang W, Yuan L, Wu QJ., 2021. A data-driven approach to optimal beam/arc angle selection for liver stereotactic body radiation therapy treatment planning. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 11(12):4797.
Cullom ET, Xia Y, Chuang KC, Gude ZW, Zlateva Y, Adamson JD, et al. Single isocenter SRS using CAVMAT offers improved robustness to commissioning and treatment delivery uncertainty compared to VMAT. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2021;22(7):36-43.
Giles WM, Cullom ET, Laryea OA, Nobah A, Alves VGL, Yin FF, et al. Radiosurgery treatment planning using conformal arc informed volumetric modulated arc therapy. Med Dosim. 2021;46(1):3-12.
Y. Zlateva, B. Muir, I. El Naqa, J. Seuntjens. Step-size effect on calculated photon and electron beam Cherenkov-to-dose conversion factors. Physica Medica, 78(Focus Issue):32-7, 202-
J.C. Hong, N.C.W. Eclov, N. Dalal, S.M. Thomas, S.J. Stephens, M. Malicki, S. Shields, A. Cobb, Y.M. Mowery, D. Niedzwiecki, J.D. Tenenbaum, M. Palta. “System for High Intensity EvaLuation During Radiation Therapy (SHIELD-RT): A prospective randomized study of machine learning-directed clinical evaluations during outpatient cancer radiation and chemoradiation.” Journal of Clinical Oncology. (in press)
Y Cui, H Gao, J Zhang, J Kirkpatrick, and FF Yin. "Retrospective quality metrics review of stereotactic radiosurgery plans treating multiple targets using single-isocenter Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy." (JACMP, revision submitted)
J Zhang, Y Ge, Y Sheng, C Wang, J Zhang, Y Wu, FF Yin, Q Wu, and J Wu. "Knowledge-based tradeoff hyperplanes for head-and-neck treatment planning." (IJROBP, in press)
Y Sheng, J Zhang, C Wang, FF Yin, J Wu, and Y Ge. "Incorporating case-based reasoning for radiation therapy knowledge modeling: a pelvic case study." Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2019 Jan 1;18:1533033819874788. doi: 10.1177/1533033819874788.
J Zhang, C Wang, Y Sheng, Y Ge, J Wu, FF Yin, and J Zhang. "Knowledge-based statistical inference method for plan quality quantification." Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2019; 18:1533033819857758. doi: 10.1177/1533033819857758
J Zhang, Y Ge, Y Sheng, FF Yin, and Q Wu. "Modeling of multiple planning target volumes for head and neck treatments in knowledge-based treatment planning." Med Phys, 46: 3812-3822 (2019). doi:10.1002/mp.13679
X Li, Y Sheng, J Wu, FF Yin, J Zhang, and C Wang. "A collimator setting optimization algorithm for dual-arc volumetric modulated arc therapy in pancreas stereotactic body radiation therapy." Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2019 Jan 1;18:1533033819870767. doi: 10.1177/1533033819870767.
Y. Zhang, F.F. Yin, L. Ren, “First clinical retrospective investigation of limited projection CBCT for lung tumor localization in patients receiving SBRT treatment”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 64, 2019.
G. Ding, Y. Zhang, L. Ren, “Technical Note: Imaging dose resulting from optimized procedures with limited-angle intra-fractional verification (LIVE) system for SBRT lung treatment,” Medical Physics, 39, 2019.
Z. Jiang, Y. Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. Ge, F.F. Yin, L. Ren, “Augmentation of CBCT reconstructed from under sampled projections using deep learning," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2019.
J Zhang, C Wang, Y Sheng, Y Ge, J Wu, FF Yin, and J Zhang. "Knowledgebased statistical inference method for plan quality quantification." (accepted, Technol Cancer Res Treat, 2019).
J Zhang, Y Ge, Y Sheng, J Wu, and FF Yin. "Modeling multiple planning target volumes in knowledge-based treatment planning." (accepted, Med Phys, 2019).
X Li, Y Sheng, J Wu, FF Yin, J Zhang, and C Wang. "A Collimator Setting Optimization Algorithm for Dual-arc Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy in Pancreas Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy." (accepted, Technol Cancer Res Treat, 2019).
J Zhang, J Wu, T Xie, Y Sheng, FF Yin, and Y Ge. "An ensemble approach to KnowledgebasedIMRT planning." Front Oncol. 8, 57 (2018); 10.3389/fonc.2018.00057
G. Ren, Y. Zhang, L. Ren, “Assessing the feasibility of using deformable registration for on-board multi-modality based target localization in radiation therapy," Cancer Translational Medicine, 4, 143-152, 2018.
Y. Chen, F.F. Yin, Y. Zhang, L. Ren, "Low dose CBCT reconstruction via prior contour based total variation (PCTV) regularization: a feasibility study," Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63, 085014-085030, 2018.
J Zhang, J Wu, T Xie, Y Sheng, FF Yin, and Y Ge. "An ensemble approach to Knowledge-based IMRT planning." Frontiers in Oncology. 8, 57 (2018); 10.3389/fonc.2018.00057.
J Zhang, S Li, A Krol, C Schmidtlein, E Lipson, D Feiglin, and Y Xu. "Infimal convolution-based regularization for SPECT reconstruction." Medical Physics. 45, 12 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1002/mp.13226.
Sheng Y, Yin FF and Wu Q: Outlier identification in radiation therapy knowledge-based planning: A study of pelvic cases, Medical Physics. 2017.
Hendrickson K R G, Juang T, Rodrigues A, and Burmeister J W: Ethical violations and discriminatory behavior in the MedPhys Match. J Appl Clin Med Phys, 18, 2017.
Charaghvandia R, Yoo S, Asselen B, Rodrigues A, Bongarda D, Horton J: Treatment Constraints for Single Dose External Beam Preoperative Partial Breast Irradiation in Early-Stage Breast Cancer Journal: Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology, 2017.
L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, W. Harris, F.F. Yin, J. Cai, L. Ren, “Markerless four-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography projection-phase sorting using prior knowledge and patient motion modeling: A feasibility study”, Cancer Translational Medicine, 3, 185-193, 2017.
Y. Zhang, X. Deng, F.F. Yin, L. Ren, “Image acquisition optimization of a limited-angle intrafraction verification (LIVE) system for lung radiotherapy”, Medical physics, 45, 340-352, 2017.– *Editors’ Picks*, Featured on AAPM news release.
H. Gao, Y. Zhang, L. Ren, F.F. Yin, “Principal component reconstruction (PCR) for cine CBCT with motion learning from 2D fluoroscopy”, Medical Physics, 45, 167-178, 2017.
Y. Zhang, F.F. Yin, Y. Zhang, L. Ren, “Reducing scan angle using adaptive prior knowledge for a limited-angle intrafraction verification (LIVE) system for conformal arc radiotherapy”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 62, 3859-3882, 2017.
Faught, A. M., M. Trager, F. F. Yin, J. Kirkpatrick, and J. Adamson. "Re-examining TG-142 recommendations in light of modern techniques for linear accelerator based radiosurgery." Medical physics 43, no. 10 (2016): 5437-5437.
Faught, A. M., Yin, F. F., & Adamson, J. (2017). An in‐house protocol for improved flood field calibration of TrueBeam FFF cine imaging. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 18(1), 265-268.
Wang C, Yin F-F, Segars P, Chang Z, Ren L. Development of a Computerized 4D MRI Phantom for Liver Motion Study. Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment (2017) : 1533034617723753 (PMID: 28789598).
Giaddui T, Chen W, Yu J, Lin L, Simone C B, Yuan L, etc.,” Establishing the feasibility of the dosimetric compliance criteria of RTOG 1308: phase III randomized trial comparing overall survival after photon versus proton radiochemotherapy for inoperable stage II-IIIB NSCLC”. Radiation oncology, Vol. 11, 66. 2016.
Wang, C., Subashi, E., Liang, X. Yin, F. F., Chang, Z., “Evaluation of the Effect of Transcytolemmal Water Exchange Analysis for Therapeutic Response Assessment Using DCE-MRI: A Comparison Study,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 61(3), 4763-4780, (2016).
Wang, C., Subashi, E., Yin, F. F., Chang, Z., “Dynamic Fractal Signature Dissimilarity Analysis for Therapeutic Response Assessment Using Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI,” Medical Physics, 43(3), 1335-1347, (2016).
Subashi, E., Cordero, F. J., Halvorson, K. G., Qi, Y., Nouls, J. C., Becher, O. J., Johnson, G. A., “Tumor Location, but not H3.3K27M, Significantly Influences the Blood-Brain-Barrier Permeability in a Genetic Mouse Model of Pediatric High-Grade Glioma,” Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 126(2), 243-251, (2016).
Subashi, E., Qi, Y., Johnson, G. A., “Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Microscopy Identifies Regions of Therapeutic Response in a Preclinical Model of Adenocarcinoma,” Medical Physics, 42(5), 2482-2488, (2015).
Xie, L., Qi, Y., Subashi, E., Liao, G., Miller-DeGraff, L., Jetter, A. M., Johnson, G. A., “4D MRI of Polycystic Kidneys from Rapamycin-Treated Glis3-Deficient Mice,” NMR in Biomedicine, 28(5), 546-554, (2015).
Yuan L, Wu Q J, Yin F, Li Y, Sheng Y, Kelsey C R and Ge Y, “Standardized beam bouquets for lung IMRT planning”. Phys. Med. Biol., Vol. 60, 1831. 2015.
Liu J, Wu Q J, Kirkpatrick J P, Yin F F, Yuan L and Ge Y, “From active shape model to active optical flow model: a shape-based approach to predicting voxel-level dose distributions in spine SBRT”. Phys. Med. Biol., Vol. 60, N83. 2015.
Yuan L., Ge Y., Yin F., Wu Q.J. , “A rapid learning approach for the knowledge modeling of radiation therapy plan”, In: Jaffray D. (eds) World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 51, 1492-1494. Springer, Cham. 2015.
Yang, Y., Li, T., Yuan, L., Ge, Y., Yin, F.-F., Lee, W. R. and Wu, Q. J., “Quantitative comparison of automatic and manual IMRT optimization for prostate cancer: the benefits of DVH prediction”. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, Vol.16, 241–250. 2015.
Taoran Li, Qiuwen Wu, Yun Yang, Fang-Fang Yin and Q. Jackie Wu, Quality Assurance for Online Adapted Treatment Plans: Benchmarking and Delivery Monitoring, in press for Medical Physics. 2014.
Ying Li, Anna Rodrigues (equal contribution), Taoran Li, Lulin Yuan, Fang-Fang Yin, Jackie Wu, Impact Of Dose Calculation Accuracy During Optimization On IMRT Plan Quality, in press for Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics. 2014.
Yun Yang and Taoran Li (equal contribution), Lulin Yuan, Yaorong Ge, Fang-Fang Yin, W. Robert Lee and Q. Jackie Wu, Quantitative Comparison Of Knowledge-Guided Automatic IMRT Planning To Manual Planning for Prostate Cancer, accepted by the Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics. 2014.
Bowsher J, Yan S, Roper J, Giles W, Yin F, “Onboard functional and molecular imaging: A design investigation for robotic multipinhole SPECT.” Medical Physics, Vol. 41, 010701-1-8. 2014.
Y. Yang, S. Catalano, C. Kelsey, D. Yoo, F. Yin and J. Cai, “Dosimetric effects of rotational offsets in lung SBRT for medially located tumors,” Med. Dosim. 39, 117–121 (2014).
J. Adamson, Y. Yang, T. Zhuang, L. Rankine, J. Adamovics, F. Yin, and M. Oldham, “On the feasibility of polyurethane based 3D dosimeters with optical CT for dosimetric verification of low energy photon brachytherapy seeds,” Med. Phys. 41, 71705:1–9 (2014).
Yuan L., Wu Q., Jiang Y., Li T., Yin F., Yoo D. and Ge Y., "Incorporating single-side sparing in models for predicting parotid dose sparing in head and neck IMRT". Medical Physics, Vol. 41, 021728. 2014.
J. Adamson, Y. Yang, L. Rankine, J. Newton, J. Adamovics, O. Craciunescu, and M. Oldham, “Towards comprehensive characterization of Cs-137 seeds using PRESAGE dosimetry with optical tomography,” 7th International Conference on 3D Radiation Dosimetry, IC3DDose 2012; Sydney, NSW; Australia, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 444 (2013) Article number 012100.
Resident Presentations
K Lu, Z Zhang, L Ren, and FF Yin. Deep Learning Projection Interpolation for 4D-CBCT Reconstruction. Oral presentation at 2023 AAPM Annual Meeting. Houston, TX.
B Erickson, X Li, Q Wu, Y Ge, Y Sheng, and J Wu. Can Six Models Do Better than One Model? Investigating the Flexibility of an Artificial Intelligence Tool through Combining Model Outputs for Head and Neck IMRT Planning. ePoster at 2023 AAPM Annual Meeting, July 23, 2023. Houston, TX.
B Erickson, Y Cui, C Wang, M Alber, FF Yin, J Kirkpatrick, and J Adamson. Use of a Secondary Monte Carlo Dose Calculation Tool for SRS Plan Verification. Oral presentation at Radiosurgery Society Scientific Meeting, March 23-25, 2023. Loews Sapphire Resort, Orlando, FL.
K Lu, L Ren, and FF Yin. A Geometry-Guided Multi-Beamlet Deep Learning Technique for CT Reconstruction. Oral presentation at 2022 AAPM Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
K Lu, Z Zhang, L Ren, and FF Yin. Deep Learning Projection Interpolation for Sparsely Sampled Real Patient CBCT Reconstruction. ePoster at 2022 AAPM Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
B Erickson, Y Cui, C Wang, M Alber, and J Adamson. Secondary Monte Carlo Dose Calculation for Single Isocenter Multitarget SRS QA. ePoster at 2022 AAPM Annual Meeting, July 10-14, 2022. Washington, DC.
Y Wu, Y Zhang, B Erickson, L Lay, M Alber, and J Adamson. Does Down-Sampling Trajectory File Data to the DICOM-RT Control Points Compromise Dosimetric Accuracy? ePoster at 2022 AAPM Annual Meeting, July 10-14, 2022. Washington, DC.
W Wang, Y Yang, C Kelsey, T Mullikin, FF Yin, and Y Cui. Dosimetric sensitivity of Acuros XB to Lung HU Values in Lung SBRT Planning. ePoster at 2022 AAPM Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
X Li, Y Ge, Q Wu, C Wang, Y Sheng, W Wang, H Stephens, FF Yin, and J Wu. Input Feature Design and Their Impact on the Artificial Intelligence Planning Agent’s Performance. ePoster at 2022 AAPM Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
X Li, Y Sheng, Q Wu, Y Ge, C Wang, D Brizel, Y Mowery, J Lee, W Wang, H Stephens, D Yang, FF Yin, Q Wu, and J Wu. Clinical Commissioning and Implementation of an In-House Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tool for Automated Head and Neck Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Treatment Planning. Oral presentation at 2022 AAPM Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
Wang W, Yang Y, Kelsey C, Mullikin T, Yin FF, Cui Y, 2022. Dosimetric Sensitivity of Acuros XB to Lung HU Values in Lung SBRT Planning. ePoster at AAPM Annual Meeting.
Li X, Ge Y, Wu Q, Wang C, Sheng Y, Wang W, Stephens H, Yin FF, Wu QJ, 2022. Input Feature Design and Their Impact On the Artificial Intelligence Planning Agent’s Performance. ePoster at AAPM Annual Meeting.
Li X, Sheng Y, Wu Q, Ge Y, Wang C, Brizel D, Mowery Y, Lee J, Wang W, Stephens H, Yang D, Yin FF, Wu QJ, 2022. Clinical Commissioning and Implementation of An In-House Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tool for Automated Head and Neck Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Treatment Planning. SNAP Oral presentation at AAPM Annual Meeting
Erickson B, Ackerson B, Kelsey C, Yin FF, Adamson J, and Cui Y. Clinical Considerations of Switching to LBTE Dose Calculation for Lung SBRT. Radiosurgery Society 2022 Annual Meeting, Carlsbad, CA.
Erickson B, Wang C, Giles W, Alber M, Cui Y, Yin FF, and Adamson J. Secondary Monte Carlo Dose Calcualtion for Single Isocenter Multitarget SRS QA. AAPM 2022 Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
K. Lu, L. Ren, F.F. Yin. “A Geometry-Guided Multi-Beamlet Deep Learning Technique for CT Reconstruction”. Oral presentation given at: 2022 AAPM Conference. July, 2022. Washington D.C.
K. Lu, Z. Zhang, L. Ren, F.F. Yin. “Deep Learning Projection Interpolation for Sparsely Sampled Real Patient CBCT Reconstruction”. Poster presentation given at: 2022 AAPM Conference. July, 2022. Washington D.C.
Y. Zlateva, B. Muir, I. El Naqa, J. Seuntjens. Geometry optimization and optical sectioning for in-water Cherenkov dosimetry of large and small photon beams. Med Phys (In Press), 2021.
A Deep-Learning-Enabled Remote Teaching Platform for Pancreas SBRT Treatment Planning: A Pilot Study in Pandemic Era. Y Xie1*, W Wang2, Y Chang2, X Li2, K Lu2, R Li2, H Stephens2, F Yin1, Q Wu1, Y Ge3, Q Wu1, Y Sheng1, (1) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (2) Duke University, Durham, NC, (3) University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC.
Prescription Tradeoff Decision Support for Pancreas SBRT: From Templates to Artificial Intelligence Models. Y Xie1*, R Li1, W Wang1, M Hito2, L Zhang3, W Giles1, H Stephens1, Q Wu1, F Yin1, Y Ge4, Q Wu1, Y Sheng1, (1) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (2) Princeton University, (3) North Carolina State University, (4) University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC.
An AI-Enabled Virtual Hands-On Teaching Tool for Treatment Planning: A Pancreas SBRT Pilot Study. Y. Xie1, W. Wang1, Y. Chang1, X. Li1, K. Lu2, R. Li2, H. Stephens2, F. F. Yin1, Q. Wu1, Y. Ge3, Q. J. J. Wu1, and Y. Sheng1; 1Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, 2Duke University, Durham, NC, 3University of North Carolina Charlotte, Charlotte, NC.
Y. Zlateva, X. Li, F. Yin, Q. Wu, C. Wang. A study of using modulation complexity score as a clinical decision aid for VMAT-based pancreas SBRT treatment planning. Med Phys, 47(6):e573-4, 2020.
Y. Zlateva, B. Muir, I. El Naqa, J. Seuntjens. Step-size dependence of Monte Carlo simulations for Cherenkov emission (CE)-based dosimetry calculations. Med Phys, 47(6):e852, 2020.
E. Cullom, Y. Xia, K. Chuang, J. Adamson and W. Giles, 2020, Robust Treatment Planning Using Conformal Arc Informed Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (CAVMAT), Radiosurgery Society Scientific Meeting (April 2020).
Z. Gude, E. Cullom, G. Cui, J. Zhang, J. Adamson, and W. Giles, 2020, Automated CAVMAT for SRS of Multi-Metastasis: Comparison to Commercial Automated Planning Techniques , AAPM Annual Meeting (July 2020).
E. Cullom, Z. Gude, Y. Xia, K. Chuang, Y. Zlateva, John Kirkpatrick, F.F. Yin, J. Adamson and W. Giles, 2020, Robust Treatment Planning Using Conformal Arc Informed VMAT(CAVMAT), AAPM Annual Meeting (July 2020).
J.C. Hong, N.C.W. Eclov, N. Dalal, S.M. Thomas, S.J. Stephens, M. Malicki, S. Shields, A. Cobb, Y.M. Mowery, D. Niedzwiecki, J.D. Tenenbaum, M. Palta. “System for High Intensity EvaLuation During Radiation Therapy (SHIELD-RT): A prospective randomized study of machine learning-directed clinical evaluations during outpatient cancer radiation and chemoradiation”. Accepted to the Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Learning Health Systems (2020), Hamilton, Bermuda.
N. Eclov, S. J. Stephens, Y. M. Mowery, J. D. Tenenbaum, M. Palta, and J. C. Hong Challenges of the clinical machine learning implementation for the prospective System for High Intensity EvaLuation During Radiation Therapy (SHIELD-RT) study. Accepted to the 62nd Annual Meeting – American Society for Radiation Oncology.
N. Eclov, Z. Wang, C. R. Kelsey, F. F. Yin, “Analysis of Dosimetric and Clinical Risk Factors Predicting Chest Wall Toxicity after SBRT for NSCLC.” Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 105(1), E505 (2019). Accepted to the 61st Annual Meeting – American Society for Radiation Oncology, Chicago, IL.
Z. Wang, C. R. Kelsey, N. Eclov, F. F. Yin, “Analysis of Minimum GTV/ITV to 100 Gy BED Isodose Distance as a Risk Factor for Local Failure after SBRT for NSCLC.” Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 105(1), E538 (2019). Accepted to the 61st Annual Meeting – American Society for Radiation Oncology, Chicago, IL.
N. Eclov, O. Craciunescu, J. Chino, Z. Chang, “Evaluation of an MRI-Positive HDR Lumen Marker for HDR Brachytherapy Treatment Planning.” Medical Physics 46(6), 309 (2019). Accepted to the 61st Annual Meeting – American Association of Physicists in Medicine, San Antonio, TX.
J Zhang, Y Ge, C Wang, Y Sheng, M Palta, B Czito, C Willet, F Yin, Q Wu. 2019. Artificial Intelligence-driven pancreas stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) treatment planning. AAPM 61st Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX. (oral presentation, Science Council Award)
J Zhang, Y Ge, Y Sheng, C Wang, Q Wu, F Yin, Q Wu. 2019. Exploring tradeoff hyperplanes for head and neck treatment planning with a knowledge-based model. AAPM 61st Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX. (oral presentation)
J Zhang, T Xie, Y Sheng, C Wang, FF Yin, Q Wu, Y Ge. 2018. "Ensemble learning: a case study with knowledge-based treatment planning." AAPM 60th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Nashville, TN. (oral presentation)
J Zhang, Y Sheng, C Wang, T Xie, FF Yin, Y Ge, Q Wu. 2018. "Modeling of multiple planning target volumes (PTVs) in knowledge-based planning (KBP)." AAPM 60th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Nashville, TN. (oral presentation)
Y. Zhang, F.F. Yin, Y. Zhang, L. Ren, “Reducing scan angle using adaptive prior knowledge for a limited-angle intrafraction verification (LIVE) system for conformal arc radiotherapy," Physics in Medicine and Biology, 62, 3859-3882 (2017).
X. Liu, Y. Zhang, W. Harris, Y. Zhang, F.F. Yin, L. Ren, “Clinical evaluation of a prior knowledge-based 4D-CBCT estimation technique for lung radiotherapy," AAPM Annual Meeting, 2018.
Y. Chen, F.F. Yin, Y. Zhang, L. Ren, “Low dose CBCT reconstruction via hybrid prior contour based total variation regularization (hybrid-PCTV)," AAPM Annual Meeting, 2018.
Y. Zhang, F.F. Yin, L. Ren, “First clinical investigation of limited angle CBCT for lung tumor localization in breath hold patients," AAPM Annual Meeting, 2018.
G. Ren, Y. Zhang, F.F. Yin, L. Ren, “Enhancing on-board image contrast using prior images and deformable registration for target localization: a feasibility study," AAPM Annual Meeting, 2018.
J Zhang, Y Ge, C Wang, Y Sheng, M Palta, B Czito, C Willet, F Yin, Q Wu. 2019. "Artificial Intelligence-Driven Pancreas Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) Treatment Planning." Scientific Council presentation. AAPM 61st Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX.
J Zhang, Y Ge, Y Sheng, C Wang, Q Wu, F Yin, Q Wu. 2019. "Exploring Tradeoff Hyperplanes for Head and Neck Treatment Planning with a Knowledge-Based Model." Oral presentation. AAPM 61st Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX.
J Zhang, Q Wu, Y Ge , C Wang , Y Sheng , J Palta , J Salama , F Yin , J Zhang. 2019. "A Novel Plan-Quality Quantification Method Using K-Nearest-Neighbors Referencing." Oral presentation. AAPM 61st Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX.
J Zhang, T Xie, Y Sheng, C Wang, FF Yin, Q Wu, Y Ge. 2018. "Ensemble learning: a case study with knowledge-based treatment planning." Oral presentation. AAPM 60th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Nashville, TN.
J Zhang, Y Sheng, C Wang, T Xie, FF Yin, Y Ge, Q Wu. 2018. "Modeling of multiple planning target volumes (PTVs) in knowledge-based planning (KBP)." Oral presentation. AAPM 60th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Nashville, TN.
J Zhang, Y Ge, T Xie, Y Sheng, FF Yin, Q Wu. 2017. "An ensemble regression method for improved knowledge-based planning model robustness." AAPM 59th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Denver, CO. (ePoster presentation)
J Zhang, Y Ge, T Xie, Y Sheng, FF Yin, Q Wu. 2017. "Comparison of regression methods for knowledge-based planning." AAPM 59th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Denver, CO
Y. Zhang, X. Deng, F.F. Yin, L. Ren, “Image acquisition optimization of a limited-angle intrafraction verification (LIVE) system for lung radiotherapy," AAPM Annual Meeting, 2017
H. Gao, Y. Zhang, L. Ren, F.F. Yin, “Principle component reconstruction (PCR) for cine CBCT with motion learning from 2D fluoroscopy," AAPM Annual Meeting, 2017.
R. Geng, K. Lafata, Y. Zhang, F.F. Yin, “Harmonization of radiomic features on planning CT and on-board CBCT," AAPM Annual Meeting, 2017.
Rodrigues A, Yoon S, Morales-Medina N, Oldham M, Adamovics J, Meltsner S, Craciunescu O. "SU-E-205-02: 3D Printing and 3D Dosimetry for LDR I-125 Eye Plaque Brachytherapy Quality Assurance" (AAPM 2017).
Rokni M, Rodrigues A, Moore B, Yoshizumi T, Craciunescu O. "TU-FG-205-08: Feasibility of Real-Time Dosimetry for HDR Prostate Brachytherapy Using a Nano-Fiber Optic Detector" (AAPM 2017).
Wang X, Rodrigues A, Wu Q. "TU-RPM-GePD-T-06: Small Field Electron Beam Dose Calculation Using VirtuaLinac Monte Carlo Simulation Platform" (AAPM 2017).
Carpenter D, Mowery Y, Broadwater G, Rodrigues A, Wisdom A, Dorth J, Patel P, Shortell C, Clough R, Brizel D. "The Incidence of Carotid Stenosis in Head and Neck Cancer Patients After Radiation Therapy" (ASTRO 2017).
Rodrigues A, Yoon S, Oldham M, Adamovics J, Meltsner M, Craciunescu O. "High Resolution 3D Dosimetry for LDR Ocular Brachytherapy," Brachytherapy 16 (3), S92 (2017).
Chino J, Rodrigues A, Craciunescu O. "Deformable Registration for MRI Based Brachytherapy-Ready to Replace MRI with Applicator in Place?" Brachytherapy 16 (3), S60-S61 (2017).
Meltsner S, Rodrigues A, Chang Z, Craciunescu O. "Commissioning Considerations When Implementing Eye Physics Eye Plaques and Plaque Simulator Treatment Planning System" Brachytherapy 16 (3), S87 (2017).
Wang C, Harris W, Yin F-F, Chang Z, Cai J, Ren L. "A novel method of generating on-board 4D-MRI for liver SBRT target localization using prior 4D-MRI simulation and on-board limited angle kV acquisition from a conventional LINAC." In 59th Annual Meeting of American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), San Diago, CA 2017.
Lafata K, Wang C, Hong J, Kelsey C, Yin F-F. "Sensitivity of Radiomic Features to Acquisition Noise and Respiratory Motion." In 59th Annual Meeting of American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), San Diago, CA 2017.
Wang C, Yin F-F, Chang Z, Cai J. "Development of a Motion-Robust 4D-MRI Technique Based On a Golden-Ratio Optimized Sparse Acquisition and Spatiotemporal-Constrained Sorting." In 59th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, CO 2017.
Wang C, Yin F-F, Segars P, Chang Z, Ren L. "Development of a Computerized 4D MRI Phantom for Liver Motion Study. In 59th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine" (AAPM), Denver, CO 2017.
Lafata K, Cai J, Wang C, Hong J, Kelsey C, Yin F-F. "Sensitivity of Radiomics Features to Image Noise and Respiratory Motion." In 59th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, CO 2017.
Harris W, Wang C, Yin F-F, Cai J, Ren L. "A Novel Method to Generate On-Board 4D MRI Using Prior 4D MRI and On-Board Limited Angle KV Projections From a Conventional LINAC for Liver SBRT Target Localization." In 59th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, CO 2017.
Harris W, Wang C, Cai J, Ren L. "A Technique to Generate Ultrafast Volumetric Cine MRI (UVC-MRI) Through Direct K-Space Matching for On-Board Target Localization." In 59th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, CO 2017.
Sun W, Wang C, Chang Z, Kirkpatrick J, Yin F-F. "Assessment of Concurrent Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Bevacizumab Treatment of Recurrent Malignant Gliomas Using Multi-Modality MRI Imaging and Radiomics Analysis." In 59th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, CO 2017.
Zhang Y, Ding G, Liu X, Yin F, Ren L. "Clinical Implementation and Evaluation of a Limited-Angle Intrafraction Verification (LIVE) System for Lung Radiotherapy." 59th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, CO 2017.
Wang, C., Horton, J., Yin, F., Subashi, E., Chang, Z., “Early-Stage Breast Radiation Therapy Assessment Using Transcytolemmal Water Exchange Analysis of DCE-Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Initial Results,” American Society of Radiation Oncology Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, September 2016.
Subashi, E., Liu, L., Robertson, S., Segars, P., Driehuys, B., Yin, F., Cai, J., “High Spatiotemporal Resolution Self-Sorted 4D MRI,” American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Washington DC, July 2016.
Liu, L., Subashi, E., Yin, F., Cai, J., “A Novel Retrospective 3D K-Space Sorting 4D-MRI Technique Using a Radial K-Space Acquisition MRI Sequence,” American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Washington DC, July 2016.
Belley, M., Faught, A., Moore, B., Subashi, E., Langloss, B., Therien, M., Yoshizumi, T., Chino, J., Craciunescu, O., “Measurement of Real-Time Dose for Tandem and Ovoid Brachytherapy Procedures Using a High Precision Optical Fiber Radiation Detector,” American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Washington DC, July 2016.
Wang, C., Subashi, E., Liang, X., Yin, F., Chang, Z., “Evaluation of Transcytolemmal Water Exchange Analysis For Therapeutic Response Assessment Using Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI,” American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Washington DC, July 2016.
Duan, J., Yang, Y., Faught, A., Subashi, E., Wu, Q., Yin, F., “Performance of 2.5MV Portal Imaging in Comparison with KV X-Ray and 6MV and Flattening-Filter-Free 6MV Portal Imaging,” American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Washington DC, July 2016.
Subashi, E., Liu, Y., Segars, P., Yin, F., Cai, J., “Optimal k-Space Filtering for View-Sharing Techniques in Projection Encoding 4D MRI,” MR in RT Symposium, Ann-Arbor, MI, June 2016.
Rodrigues A, Craciunescu O, Nawrocki J, Chino J. Evaluation of Dose-Volume Metrics of an 18F-FDG PET Adaptive Treatment Planning Protocol for Gynecological Malignancies. Int. Journal of Rad. Onc. Biol. Phys. 96(2), E296 (2016).
Rodrigues A, Sawkey D, Wu Q. SU-G-BRC-10: Feasibility of a Web-Based Monte Carlo Simulation Tool for Dynamic Electron Arc Radiotherapy (DEAR). Med. Phys. 43, 3629-3629 (2016).
Hendrickson K, Burmeister J, Rodrigues A, Juang T, Vimolchalao S: TU-D-201-10: Ethics and Discriminatory Behavior in the MedPhys Match. Med. Phys. 43, 3745-3745 (2016).
Rodrigues A, Juang T, S Vimolchalao S, Burmeister J, Hendrickson K; Improving the MedPhys Match and Interview Process: Results From An Independent Survey of Applicants and Programs. Med. Phys. 43, 3745-3745 (2016).
Juang T, Rodrigues A, Vimolchalao S, Burmeister J, Hendrickson K: SU-F-P-17: Making the Match: Selection Factors in the Medical Physics Residency Match. Med. Phys. 43, 3361-3362 (2016).
Belley, M. D., Faught, A., Moore, B., Subashi, E., Langloss, B., Therien, M. J., ... & Craciunescu, O. (2016). WE-DE-201-07: Measurement of Real-Time Dose for Tandem and Ovoid Brachytherapy Procedures Using a High Precision Optical Fiber Radiation Detector. Medical physics, 43(6), 3809.
Wang C, Yin F-F, Harris W, Cai J, Chang Z, Ren L. A Novel Method of Generating Ultrafast Volumetric Cine MRI (VC-MRI) Using Prior 4D-MRI and On-Board Phase-Skipped Encoding Acquisition for Radiotherapy Target Localization. In 58th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Washington, DC 2016.
Harris W, Yin F-F, Wang C, Chang Z, Cai J, Zhang Y, Ren L. A Novel Technique for Estimating Volumetric Cine MRI (VC-MRI) From Multi-Slice Sparsely Sampled Cine Images Using Motion Modeling and Free Form Deformation. In 58th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Washington, DC 2016.
Liang X, Wang C, Chang Z, Fang-Fang Yin, Cai J. Development of a Deformable Image Registration (DIR) Error Correction Method Employing Kolmogorov-Zurbenko (KZ) Filter. In 58th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Washington, DC 2016.
Wang C, Sun W, Kirkpatrick J, Sampson J, Chang Z, Yin F-F. Assessment of concurrent stereotactic radiosurgery and Bevacizumab treatment of recurrent malignant gliomas using multi-parametric MRI imaging and radiomics analysis. In 59th Annual Meeting of American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), San Diago, CA 2017.
Wang C, Yin F-F, Cai J, Craciunescu O, Faught A, Chang Z. Commissioning of a 3.0T MR Simulator Dedicated for Radiation Oncology Application. In 59th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, CO 2017.
Wang C, Subashi E, Liang X, Yin F-F, Chang Z. Evaluation of Transcytolemmal Water Exchange Analysis For Therapeutic Response Assessment Using Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI. In 58th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Washington, DC 2016.
Xie Y, Wang J, Wang C, Chang Z. Evaluation of MRI Acquisition Parameter Variations On Texture Feature Extraction Using ACR Phantom. In 58th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Washington, DC 2016.
Harris W, Yin F-F, Wang C, Chang Z, Cai J, Zhang Y, Ren L. Volumetric cine MRI (VC-MRI) using ultrafast 2D cine MRI for real-time 3D target localization/tracking. In 24th Annual Meeting of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Singapore, 2016.
Wang, C., Subashi, E., Yin, F., Chang, Z. “Evaluation of Dynamic Fractal Signature Dissimilarity as a Novel Biomarker in Therapeutic Response Assessment Using Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI,” American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, July 2015.
Wang, C., Subashi, E., Yin, F., Chang, Z. “Therapeutic Response Assessment Using a Novel Gray Level Local Power Matrix (GLLPM) in DCE-MRI Texture Analysis: Feasibility Study,” American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, July 2015.
Subashi, E., Yan, S., Song, H., Wu, Q., “Novel Use of Three-Dimensional Diode Array for Linear Accelerator Quality Assurance,” Southeast American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC, April 2015.
Faught, A., and Q. Wu. "SU-ET-317: Dosimetric Evaluation of Acuros XB Advanced Dose Calculation Algorithm in Head and Neck Patients." Medical Physics 42, no. 6 (2015): 3406-3406.
Yuan L, Ge Y, Sheng Y, Hedrick K, Yin F, Wu Q J, Knowledge based automatic lung IMRT planning with non‐coplanar beams. Oral Presentation at the 57th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). Anaheim, CA, July 12-16, 2015.
Yuan L, Ge Y, Sheng Y, Yin F, Wu Q J, Development of knowledge models for IMRT treatment planning utilizing a rapid learning approach. Oral Presentation at the 57th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). Anaheim, CA, July 12-16, 2015.
Nawrocki, J., Chino, J., Light, K., Vergalasova, I., Craciunescu, O., FDG PET Metrics Analysis in the Context of An Adaptive PET Protocol for Node Positive Gynecologic Cancer Patients. Selected for Poster Viewing Session at the 56th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). July 19-24, 2014.
Y. Mowery, I. Vergalasova, J. Pura, B. Peterson, D. Yoo, S. Das, D. Brizel., Changes in Tumor Volumes and 18F-FDG PET characteristics during Radiotherapy for HPV+ and HPV- Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Selected for Poster Viewing Session at the 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO). September 14-17, 2014.
Taoran Li, Yang Sheng, W Robert Lee, Q Jackie Wu, SBRT for Prostate + Seminal Vesicles: Fixed Margin or Online Adaptation, ASTRO’s 56th Annual Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA.
Taoran Li, Lulin Yuan, Yang Sheng, Q Jackie Wu, Prostate SBRT Delivery with Flattening-Filter-Free Mode: Benefit and Accuracy, AAPM Annual Meeting 2014, Austin, TX.
Yang Sheng, Taoran Li, You Zhang, Fang-Fang Yin, Yaorong Ge, Q Jackie Wu, Building Atlas for Automatic Prostate IMRT Planning: Anatomical Feature Parameterization and Classification, AAPM Annual Meeting 2014, Austin, TX.
Yang Sheng, Taoran Li, Fang-Fang Yin, Yaorong Ge, Q Jackie Wu, Understanding the Seminal Vesicle's Motion Relative to the Prostate: Range and Pattern, AAPM Annual Meeting 2014, Austin, TX.
Vergalasova, I., Mowery, Y., Brizel, D., Das, S., Using 18F-FDG-PET-CT and deformable registration during head-and-neck cancer (HNC) intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) to predict treatment response. Oral Presentation at the 56th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). July 19-24, 2014.
Yun Yang, Taoran Li, Lulin Yuan, Yaorong Ge, Fang-Fang Yin, W Robert Lee and Q Jackie Wu, “Quantitative comparison of knowledge-guided IMRT planning to expert planning for prostate cancer”. ASTRO Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, September 24 (2013).